Saturday, October 31, 2009

For people who have the same prob.Both Men and Women.?

Okay i want to know how many of you here are over weight or were over weight? Even if your just or were just five pounds heavier than you should be or have been. Also if you have tried reducing and stop being over weight. And to those who have lost weight and were over weight how did you do it?Did you attain your ideal weight? Plz answer. Thanks.
For my age, i am over weight, but not because I am fat. Its little things called muscle and height. I am taller than most, and stronger than most so that comes into play. Yes I work out alot, and since muscle weighs more than fat, i am technically over weight, but still a normal person.
Kevin J. I can tell you work out a lot by your picture. Your pretty buff.NOT!!!!!!!!...

For long time birth control users?

has there been a health problems you have had due to the use of birth controls?
haven't had any health problems (knock on wood)
none what so ever~just recently went off it, for different
Nope can lose your hair, become allergic (get itchy patches all over), bruise, have morning sickness 24/7. If you smoke, you can have heart problems, strokes...
You can also make Lupus worse (if you have lupus, or discover you have lupus, by taking bc pills)...there are a lot of things that can happen.
I got pregnant with the diaphragm; I'd say THAT was a problem.

I used an IUD; it punctured my uterus and I had to have emergency surgery. DEFINITE problem.

Heard HORRIBLE things about the Patch; probably wouldn't want to try that.

I have used pills for years without too many problems. The side effects that I DID experience were easily managed by simply changing the formulation till I found one that worked well.

Without a more adequate description of what you're looking for, this is about the best I or anyone else can do for you.
Yes. A known side effect from the high-dose pills is gallbladder disease (gallstones).

I was on the high-dose pills for seven years. I developed gallstones after a year of taking them. I had four bad gallbladder attacks up until I had my gallbladder removed.

The low-dose pills are safer and cause very few health problems for healthy women.
I was on birth control pills for the better part of 28 years; I never had any problem as a result (I'm 52 now), including having no difficulty conceiving.
I am 43.5 years old. I started taking BCP's at age 15. I went off of them for 2 years. I was off for a year and had my duaghter and off until I was done breast feedin gand then I went back on. She is 18 now and I still take them. I am fine. I see my doctor yearly and do not have any troubles or worries.
None whatsoever. Been on the pill for 10 years.
I used to have irregular periods, and migraines, painful ovulation. Now I don't. They'll probably come back when I stop taking the pill, but in the meantime it's great!
have you looked into NFP--natural family planning? It doesn't mean "not for protestants" and it's NOT the rythym method for Catholics only. It's a safe method to determine when you are fertile to avoid or achieve a pregnancy. It's easy to learn, cheap, works with your body, plus it doesn't interact with any medications. It can be used by women who have irregular cycles or serious illnesses.

DH %26 I have been using it to avoid a pregnancy due to the multiple health problems I have and we haven't had any problems with it for 10 yrs.

It does require committment %26 the willingness to learn but isn't your life worth it? you will have so much to gain and nothing to lose. Unlike the pill where you have serious side effects such as weight gain, mood swings, blood clots, drug interactions, PE, breakthrough bleeding/ovulation, pregnancy, %26 even strokes.

Check out the sites below including the nuva ring side effects at bbpc-law as well as ortho side effects at orthoevraright.

For me, it's one less thing to worry about and I don't have to worry about contributing to another health problem %26 blaming the pill because I know I use something that is 100% safe w/no life threatening side effects. My husband wants me around for a long time %26 he is very supportive of NFP as well.

We learned about it via a local hospital %26 were trained by an NFP practitioner on monitoring my fertility. The ccli site has info on where to find one in your area.
My mother had benign tumors on her liver due to using birth-control pills for 20 years. One was really large and ruptured-she had to have emergency surgery. They removed 30% of her liver. The rest of her liver had small benign tumors, but disappeared when she stopped taking birth control pills. Doctors said it was a rare side-effect.

For ladies who use just pads..what do u do when u go swimming and it's that time of the month?

Unless there is some medical reason that you can't wear tampons, you should try them. You can not, should not, go swimming with a pad on. If you're going on a swim outing with a group of people, and you must wear a pad, just go and hang out poolside, but stay out of the water. Claim you have an ear infection or something as a reason to stay out of the water. Swimming with a pad is a no no no no. Tampons are the way to go go go go.
ummm... you don't.
You don't swim for that week. DUH!
u tell them u cant swim
You don't go swimming.
u dont go swimming. duh.
you either don't got or get a lining that sticks
YOU DON'T SWIM. if you're hardcore like that then don't use any pad. just let it flow
Either you don't swim or you use tampons just in those circumstances.
You cant go swimming you need to wear a tampon...persoanlly i think they are much better
If you can't or choose not to use a tampon, you just don't go swimming! There's not really anything else you can do. Sorry I couldn't help.
i wouldnt go .tampax is the only way for swimming
you don't
I usually don't go. But, you can always ask your mom or a close friend about using a tampon if you want to.
Pads are for sissies who wear underwear. Why lock your ***** in a cage? Tampons are underwear free and RULE!

- The No Panty Party
In my personal experiences it was never a problem to not wear something. Something about being emurged in water that causes you not to..umm."release" things. (trying to keep this delicate, sorry) I don't know if that's true to all or if it was just me but you could try a panty liner and hope the adhesive holds.
you just don't swim, its a nasty lady that would do that
u dont swim or u wear a tampon like most women.
I don't swim then.
Either, I don't go swimming, or if I'm on a day where my flow isn't too heavy, I go anyway without using a tampon. Did you know that if you do have your period and you swim, the water stops it, so it really isn't a big deal, although it makes me feel better when I'm in the middle of my period, and the flow isn't that bad. But one day, I went into the ocean with a heavy flow, and nothing happend except when I got out to change out of my swim suit, I saw a little blood on the inside of my swimsuit, but a little bit of cold water takes care of getting the stain out.
dont go swimming DUH
Either you use a tampon or don't swim!
Do not swim... it can give you all sorts of infections and viruses. Trust me I feel you pain!
What do you think you do? Either bleed into the water or don't swim or you can try using a tampon. That is the only solution.
Avoid swimming , it is highly unhygienic during that period
you don't swim
just shove a tamon up there for cryin out loud!

For guys only!!?

I ****ed off for the first time and my **** is kinda tender adn red is that normal!? also i barelys even ****ed is that normal?
i think it is normal
use lube lol
Not a guy but yeah and lol this the sec. for women's questions
i would suggest asking on the MENS health section.
This should be in MENS health honey, but yes that can be normal. Use a lubrication next time. To cut down on friction.
first of all your in the women's forum and your question should be posted in men's health and second you probably needed to use more lube.
If this is for guys only why is it in the womans health section?

For girls: about tampons?

i tried using tampons the other day, and the first time i put it in, it was uncomfortable and i felt dizzy. and it was even more uncomfortable taking it out. it kinda hurt taking it out. is this normal? and plus when does it stop being uncomfortable? will the second time be better than the first?
You might have it in wrong! If that's not it, maybe you should try a smaller tampon - look in the women's isle in your store you shop at.

If it happens again you should go to the DOCTOR'S right away!

Also, do not leave it in there too long because you can get 'Toxic Shock' (when the body absorbs the toxins in the tampons blood after sitting for so long).

You can also try pads too, they sell ones now that have wipes attached to them to keep you clean. Good Luck!
If you took it out too soon and it didnt soak up any fluid, it would hurt. You may want to start out with a regular or slender regular Tampax brand tampon. These have the smallest applicators and may be easier for you to try at first.
The dizziness may have been nerves, but for sure get that checked out by a doctor. Toxic shock syndrome is no joke.

Have you tried a smaller/less absorbent kind? It definitely shouldn't be uncomfortable going in or out unless you're not bleeding. You shouldn't feel it when it's in.
it will get better the more you do it. if you are a virgin it may take a bit longer just because your muscles are not stretched at all. don't worry, after a little while you won't even notice its there. i know how scary it is, i used my first one at horse-back riding camp and you can't really wear pads while riding a horse.
you probably Put it on wrong. well i only use tampons and i don't even feel them. you should go for the smallest size possible some stores have special ones for teens. change it every 4 hours. and wear a panty liner at first and on your heavier days because once they soak they leak. if a tampon feels unconformable take it out and try another one. usually at first you have to try several to get it right find the most comfortable position.
It took me a while to find the right type of tampon, but i love the Platex sport tampons, they dont hurt inserting them, they dont leak, the dont hurt like alot removing them either. they cost just as much as Tampax pearl, but are alot better. I really hope this helps!
i remeber that- well if you are really dry ( like when you just got out of the shower) its harder to put it in the first time, also it probably hurts because you didn't put it in far enough, as far as pulling it out it shouldnt hurt at all- unless its not full of blood, so if its not full enough it will hurt more because it has nothing to slide on... its kinda hard to explain, but you will know when it is time to change your tampon beavsue you will start to feel it kinda slip down meaning that it is full and you need to change it. when i first used them it was hard for me and it hurt foe like 2 days, but let me tell you they are a dream when you get used to them!
somethin similar happend to me a few weeks ago i tryed a tampon for the first time and it didn't hurt or anything but after i put it in i got dizzy too and actually passed out , when i woke up it i took it out right away , i asked about it on here and people said i probably scared myself but i don't know , it probably hurt because u didn't put it in right that can happen, but i don't know about the dizzy
you most likely put it in wrong..when you put it in make sure that when you push the top part in that you dont move the tampon out b.c its unconfortable...and thats what you probably did. also on the package it says the thing TSS you can get it if you have a fever of 102. its rare.but just read on the paper. thats MAYBE why you got dizzy.

For girls.. question about my period ??

I got my period approximately June 15 or 16th (Friday the 15, Sat. the 16th) and it ended about 5 or 6 days later ON the morning of Thursday June 21. Approximately when will I get my period again? do I start counting from the day I got it or the day it went away?
If you have recently started it will be irregular for awhile. If not count 28 days from June 21. (July 19th) But keep in mind that a cycle is an AVERAGE of 28 days, so it could be anywhere around that date.
start counting from the first day of the period (when it begins) and then you will usually get it 28-31 days later depending on your cycle length and regularity
It will probably be irregualr for a couple of months. But you'll know its coming when you get more white stuff in your underwear and it gets to be a little darker and u have a little smell and maybe cramps that means its coming soon. But when it regulates you'll usually get it on the same day each month or around there
Its never coming back. Never again.
Start counting from the first day and it will come either earlier or later then your next scheduled dat. Remember periods aren't on schedule its your body not your brain so they arent cordinated with time.
Just want to add the former answer that if it is your FIRST year having the period it is normal that it is a bit irregular.. Like takes a few days later a month or something.

For girls only?

just wondering what you thought about honest too..if your wondering why i ask..i'm just curious

by the way..this is really me.
I like men that know how to dress! you are really cute xD
you're a very attractive guy =]
A little too young to be on the computer. . .
u look fine! how old r u? dont need 2 wry bout ur looks! kk?
reply if u want!
very handsome young guy.. :)
There's nothing wrong with you. Change your hair a bit, and you probably wouldn't look so young.
wow your 18. you look really young for your age but other then that you look good
I think you look very cute XD i wish I knew you inrl. lol

Your HOT!!! i mean really HOT!!!!!!!!
yea u look 2 young like a junior high student.. but if i was in junior high i would say your cute
ur alright just not my type
Sure you are, and I'm the ISLAMIC POPE!
aw cute!! ur look young in it though lol! =] maybe style ur hair a little.

For girls only.?

do u wear anything before a period comes? like if you knew the 28 days were up would you wear anything?
Yeah, if I feel PMSy I wear a pantyliner.
yeah, a pad of liner, i wouldent wait till it bled trough my paints
no but i always keep a tampon with me if i know that i am near one
When I feel it coming, I wear a pad.
I wear a pad liner.
No, but I carry tampons in my purse when I know it's coming. In fact, I always carry a tampon or two in my purse "just in case."
no cause whaen i know am due i get really bad period pain in my stomach when i feel it get worse or a bit damp down below thats when i start wearing something.
yepp just a pad! not a tampon..
or just make sure you have got one with you!!
just to avoid any embarrassing moments hehe
a pantyliner...and keep pads or something with me just in case.
yes sometimes like if i know its coming my tummy hurts really bad and i wear a tampon cuz pads make me sick

For girls cause guys wounldn't know..?

Sometimes in my undies there is this whits stuff. but it isn't thick or yea. and sometimes when i pee there in my pee is cloudy stuff. what is it?
Normal Vaginal Discharge: May be clear or white, thin or thick. It is not odorous and there is no itching, If your discharge changes, pay attention. If it is foul-smelling, thick, yellow, green, or causes itching or burning, it could be a STD/Vaginal Infection. Contact your doctor
Normal vaginal discharge.
its your discharge meaning youre going to get your period in about a year.
Sometimes your body just excreets fluids, depending on things u eat it could make yor urine cloudy, or you could have an infection.
Vaginal discharge, nothing to be concerned with. The vagina naturally cleanses itself and the discharge is just a product of this process.
you could have a urinary tract infection. if it keeps up just go to the doctor.

For Girls and Women Only?

it hurts bad whenever i touch it above my vagina like on my lubhandles.please help it's painful.
go to the doctors. that can be a serious problem. try to schedule an appt. with a woman doctor so u can feel more comfortable with her instead of goin 2 c a man doctor

I don't know what you are asking, but if you hurt tell your Mom and schedule an appointment with your doctor.
so dont touch it... sorry i was curious wat women were saying lol. dont go to the doctor u will have to show ur pusse to him!
Call ur doc
Touch what above your vagina?
What are lubhandles?
Maybe your doctor can help you. I would go to doctor it could be serious.
Lose some weight maybe you wont have lubhandles and it wont hurt. Go to a doctor and check out why it hurts there lubby.
hey! think u shold go to the doctors incase its sumthing seriouz! u dont want it to get worse and not even know wut the problem is! so go get checked out! good luck!! hope u feel better!
i think the best thing is to have it checked out. it might have somethin to do with over stretchin or something. it might be ur kidneys or ur appendix. my best guess is its the appendix but ask a doctor first.

For girls and women only?

There is something I have wondered in recent years, Have you heard that girls are starting their periods younger? Well since I have a slice of America here, I want to ask you all and I'll put my results in the comments at the end.

How old were you when you started your period?

How much did you weigh? (I recently read that when a girl reaches 98 pounds her brain is triggered to start??? Let's see if it's true

How old are you now?

If you are a girl who has not started yet just put in your age, weight, and haven't started yet.

Thanks everyone.
I'm 44 now but I was 9.5 when I started. I don't remember how much I weighed then.

Everymonth I ask "Damn, why isn't it over yet, enough already! "
I was 14 and a half

weight about 100 even

I'm 16 now

but I haven't had regular periods since I started since I workout constantly and don't have enough body fat
I was 12 and I weighed about 102.
um, i was 12, 100, and now im 15, 120.

My sister was 9, 60 and also now is 15, 90.
(i just asked her, she just doesnt have her own account.)
I was thirteen and I guess I was right around that wieght and I am 23 now
7th grade...over winter break...not sure on weight but i think twas between 105-115
my aunt jean was 8 when she got was 13 or 13.5 and probably weighed less than that cause she was 96 lbs when she got prego for me...
I started when I was 11 and I have no idea how much I weighed. I am 42 now.

It has to do with better diets.
started on thankgiving day at age 12

i was probably about 140 pounds and 5'7

now i'm 15 and 5'10

my friend is my age, but still hasn't started- might be because she's only 5 feet and can't be over 100 pound
I was 12 and honestly cannot remember my weight, but I was always on the very slim side.
i was 14
i dont know how much i weighed when i got my period
am 16
Hi we are all from burma... so might need to consider dietary differences...~ I was 12 when i got my period, I was about 100 pounds. Now I am 21. I have 3 younger sisters. one is now 15, she got her period when she was 11, she weighed about 110 pounds. My 3rd sister, is now 13, she got her period when she was 12 too, she weighted about 100 pounds then. My youngest sister is now 12 (just turned 3 days ago) she 90 pounds, and she does not have hers yet. but right now 2/4 of us has migraines when we are about to our period... and my youngest sister is now getting we think her time is near.
My aunts - were all very suprised about us getting our periods at such a young age, they are now 40-45, they all got thier periods when they were 15-18 years old. they grew up in burma too..and they have very small stature... my sisters and i are known for being tall in burma.. i am 5'7, my youngest sister is 5'3. i hope this helps!
14 and 3 months then

um probably 103 or 105 then

15 now
i was 10

uhhh i weigh like 87 lbs

im 13 rite now
mk, well i was 14 and 108lbs.. and now im 17
11. about 87-88 pounds. Now 13. 5'1/2"... 95 pounds. Receiving regularly.
When I first got my period I was 9. 3 days shy of my 10th birthday.

I have no idea how much I weighed-I wasn't concerned with it then as much as I am now.

I'm 18, turning 19 in 3 months time.
I just turned 14..I'm not sure my exact weight but I think it was around 115
Well, im Thirteen, i weight 100 pounds and i havent started yet
im 14
87 pounds
and i havent started yet

about 98 lbs

I was 11 and just started sixth grade so I probably weighed 110..maybe. My friend started one week after her 10th birthday. But my other friend just started hers almost a year ago and shes 16
i was about 12... i weighed about 85(yea, i was/am small)... and im almost 14(in a month) now
I was 11, I had it a day after Thanksiving.

I weighed, hmm...about 80 lbs. ( now around 90 )

I am 12 now.

For a female, what type of bad things are caused wen u hold ur pee in too long or ur number 2..?

i heard its very bad for a womans help n can make it hard to have a baby or something... coz i hold it in alot especially if i have to walk to a toilet coz i lyk to sit on my *** all day
you can get a urinary tract infection, as well as weaken the muscle that holds it in making you more susceptible to bladder control issues as you age. think adult diapers. holding in feces can give you a bowel obstruction which takes surgery to fix. as far as the baby thing goes that's a load of crap. your reproductive system has nothing to do with the bladder or bowel.
i heard it can stretch your bladder or something
if you hold your pee too long frequently, you may get a urinary tract infection. They are painful and annoying, but they aren't going to affect your having a baby (although a UTI in a pregnant woman can be a big problem!)
you could get a urinary tract infection,,,and this also could lead to urinary incontinence. that is you will not be able to control your urine someday,,,nurse
If you hold your urine too long, it can cause urinary tract, bladder or kidney infections. Those are HORRIBLE and feel AWFUL. All of those can make you very sick not to mention extremely uncomfortable. If you hold your poop, that can back up into the lower intestine and make you sick too. It can cause all kinds of gastrointestinal issues including eventual diarrhea and vomiting. Pee and poop are supposed to leave your body for a reason. They are both filled with the toxins your body is trying to get rid of. If you want to make yourself extremely ill and miserable, you can keep holding it. My suggestion and advice would be to use the toilet when you need to!
Holding urine in is bad. If you hold it in for too long, bacteria can grow inside of your bladder, thus forming a UTI. Also, you can cause nerve damage and then would have to go allll of the time because instead of allowing the bladder to fill up, the nerves will tell the brain that the bladder is full even with a tiny bit of urine and you'll feel you'll have to go soo bad but really only go a little bit.

I never heard about making it hard to have a baby, though.

And of you have to poop and hold it in you can get a really bad infection. All of your poop is the icky stuff your body doesn't need, it's toxic.. you holding that in is holding all of those toxins in your body which is not good.
If you're really constipated and you can't poop (you want to, but can't) you will vomit up the poop.

Flatten & tone stomach?

im 4'11 and 102 lbs. i wear sizes 1-3 depending upon the fit. i know i don't need to loose weight and i don't want to. i have a "fluffy" stomach so to say. i have to wear a belt to make my tummy look flat, but i would like it to be like that without the belt. i have a big chest also so i kinda would like to know how to tone my pecs, so, yeah (you get it)! can you please tell simple things that i can do to flatten my tummy and tone my pecs. and please don't be rude i really want to tone up. please help?
Toning-losing fat while maintaining muscle mass

To make this happen you will need to eat properly and burn calories efficiently.

The safest way to train is with body and free weights. To burn the most calories and use the most muscle do big exercises (squats, pushups, bench dips, lunges etc.)

Stand up and workout more than you sitdown. The abs will be the last thing to tone.

For your chest you can lay on your back (preferralbly on a excercise bench or step) if you have dumbells (you can also use cans of veggies) lower your arms to the floor (so your body is in the shape of a cross) then bring your hands straight up in the air (above your face). You can also do girl push-ups. For you lower abs do leg lifts and while sitting you can flex your ribs towards your spine.
jogging a few times a wk or swimming helps along with pushups crunches and situps

Fitness after pregnancy.How long should it take to loose the baby fat?

If i would breast feed for a few months, does that help the weight loss? I plan to exercise regulary and watch my diet.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.

U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.

First time soon?

ok i am 11 years old and i think i may be getting my period but im not sure.i have had headaches and cramps everyday my boobs are growing i eat constantly i have had the discharges and mood swings.if my period is coming soon i dont want to tell my mom.should i?what can i say?

hello, i am 12 yrs old i had the same things as you did i got my first period couple months ago and you should tell your mom about it befor you have it cause she can help dont be emberassed just tell her that you are a lady now if you have cramps get midol teen it can help with head aches craps backaches and bloating Midol Teen is a pill they help with all those problems if you get discharge use a panty linner if you need more help dont feel embarresed to contact me at
p.s. write down when you get your period so you know when it is going to come my mom told me that hope it helps!
remember you can contact me at or
You need to tell you mom about it. She's really the most important person to tell about getting your period, because she can teach you alot of personal knowledge that school doesn't teach you about pads and tampons and such. As for how to let her know, just grab her one day and let her know that you think you may be getting it, trust me it sounds really embarassing but it's your mom, she won't laugh at you or anything. Hope this helps!
I would tell her whats been happening...hopefully her mom scents will start tingling and she will run you to go get some pads and or tampons!
you have to tell your mom because she will help you through all of the hard times that you will be recieving. And it sounds like you are. What i did was go up to my mom and said i think i started my period. And she'll hug you and it will be a piece of cake from there. Because it will be really hard in the summer when you want to go swimming but you can't put in a tampon so you'll have to lie.
Don't say anything to your mum, intill its there, then ask her if it is it, if it is she can help you out.
And yes you are getting your period.
Why don't you want to tell your mom? She's the best person to advice you on what you should do, like what and how to wear a sanitary pad, when to change it, what to expect now that your period is here, etc.
If you feel shy, then look up in the Internet about 'menstruation'. But I still feel you should tell your mom about what you are experiencing now, so that she can prepare you for the big day. Don't forget to put an extra pad in your school bag, in case it should come during your school hours.
You have to tell your mom. Trust me right now you probably think it's the most embarrassing thing that you could ever possibly do, but it's really not all that bad. If your mom is anything like mine, she'll get all teary eyed and happy, it's best if you ignore that. You need her though to help you out with your first few periods and if you have any questions. She knows best she's had her's for years! It's pretty simple, you can either tell her you need to talk to her and bring her into a empty room and simply tell her you just got your period. Or you can right her a note and leave it somewhere she'll find it if you don't want to confront her in person.

It does sound as if your period is on it's way! Make sure you always keep a spare pair of pants and some pads with you just in case! Good luck!
definately talk to your mom about it. it will make you feel a lot better about it when it actually occurs. Talk to her. She went through the same experience as you did. Also, be prepared. Don't get caught off guard. The day I first got it, I was going swimming. YOW!

First time hot flashes and late period..perimenopausal symptoms..normal.?

I'm 46, experiencing a lot of hot flashes for the first time in my life over the last 4-6 period is also about a week late...are these all normal perimenopausal symptoms?
Yes they are!
My first indication was late period (6 weeks w/o) and I had been having hot flashes for a few months. I was 44 at the time. All the GP would say is " your perimenopausal", but another doc actually did a blood test to check the levels of FSH.
(I told him I was either pregnant or menopausal and I needed to know!)
I ended up w/o a period for about 3 months and since then the flashes have gotten a little better, but having mor regular type periods?! Every 6-7 weeks, but 2 weeks at a time?!
Good luck, and if you are concerned go to your Dr. and have them do the test! Its easy!
If the hot flases are really bothering you, I have friends who swear by black can get it a the drugstore.
Ok Im no expert but to be considered menopausal you have to have stopped having your cycle for 5 to 6 consecutive months. You very well could be in the very begining though I have been following my mother in law going through the same thing and her Dr said its pre and theres nothing they can do right now but she started taking esroven and it seems to help her hotr flashes and help her sleep. Hope I could help, Colleen
Its normal but I suggets to you to go and see a doctor because the doctor can give you the medicine that will reduce the symptoms.

First tampon advice, Ok to use fingers?

I think I'll be more comfortable using my fingers and not the applicator, what do u think?
Try whichever way you are comfortable with first. There is nothing wrong with using your fingers. I've always done that. If it goes wrong, you can try an applicator.
just make sure your hands are clean and you get it right
You should give it a try. I personally like using the applicators. They hold the tampon together and guide it to where it needs to go. My friend loves the OB kind w/o applicators. Try both and you will find out.. Good luck=0
I would try both, applicators are way eaiser and they get it as far up as you need without having to wonder. Get both. Good luck!
I think applicators are easier but whatever you are comfortable with. Dont tense up either. If you do tense up it will make it harder to slide in. Good luck and email me if you need any advice!
well if your not going 2 use the applicator then buy o.b tampons they are made w/ no applcaitor some ppl like them better... i prefer to use the applicator
I think it would be hard to get in, without an applicator. You may want to try different brands, and see if there is a type that has a comfortable applicator.

First signs?

How long after conceving do you start having signs and symtoms of being pregnat..
Within in 1-3 months you start getting morning sickness and other symptoms. It varies from woman to woman.
i'm not too, sure, so don't take my word on it, but i think you start having morning sickness a few weeks after conception, but thats about all i know. i've never been pregnant so i don't really know too much about it, sorry

First Gyno Visit. Please help calm me down!! ?

I am going for my first gyno physical. My doctor is a female. I have never liked going to the doctor but this is going to be like 100 times more embarrassing and painful than any other exam. I am a virgin so I am not afraid of having any diseases, its just the idea of those stirrup things that you put your legs in and then the doctor feeling around inside of you (which I have heard hurts...?). Please tell me it's no big deal and I am way overreacting!! Do you have any tips or words of advice?

And I was wondering-what if you have your period on the day of the appointment? Do they reschedule or just do the exam anyway? wouldnt that be kind of gross?

They reshcedual the appointment, they wont do a pelvic exam if youre bleeding

I remember being afriad before my first appointment. Just take a few breaths and calm down. Remember that its routine for them, and they do understand if your scared.

Try and relax through the whole thing. It doesnt hurt, its maybe a tad uncomfortable--but only for a few seconds. It feels good to know youre healthy afterwards!
ok well you are getting wayy to worked up about this just relaxx yes you might be uncomfortable but people go there all the time when you are there just relax and when they start to "feel" inside dont think about it hurting just think about something different trust me you already got through your first period so its all easy from here
They will re-schedule if you are on your period. They would not want to do the exam during that time, so don't worry about that.

The actual exam can be uncomfortable if you are a virgin; however, if you use tampons, I wouldn't worry -- it is no more uncomfortable than that. And they will use a speculum that is appropriately sized for you, if you are a small person.

I think getting over the embarrassment is most of the battle. It's just something women have to do; at least it's only once a year!

I try to think of something else while they are doing the exam, and kind of pretend I am not really there! :-) That seems to help, and before I know it, it's over and done with.
I'm not sure if anyone can help calm you down, but just know that once you get it over with, it's all downhill from there. This is a natural feeling to be nervous your first time for your first woman's exam. I'm pretty sure most woman are. Just know that it's a medical exam and the doctor will explain everything she is doing. If you truly are too anxious about it, maybe it's too soon for you to have this exam. And yes, they would reschedule the appointment if you were on your period. Hope that helps.
If you are all tensed up the chances are greater that it might hurt. Why would it be embarrassing? Every woman is built the same way and this doctor has seen vast numbers of women and thinks nothing of it. Do you feel different than others?

Yes, It is no big deal and you are overreacting!

Firming boobs by orgasm?

haha, i heard that if you have an orgasm your boobs can swell and lift and firm? sounds like its not true, but is it?
When women get aroused, their nipples harden, things swell, so I guess it is slightly possible that it could make your boobs temporarily firmer but it wouldn't be something that would last I don't think.

Hey look, if you've got the chance to orgasm, go for it! ;)
Sounds like another myth that is perpetuated on the internet.
i'm highly doubtful of it... but feel free to prove us all wrong. =)
Many women experience this. Unfortunately, it only lasts a few minutes.
yes but it's only temporary
I would guess so, but you would probably have to have like 10 orgasm a day to keep it up ...joke joke.


I no its kinda gross but im not getting ne thing??? no pain or pleasure??Help? is this normal??
are you doing this to yourself or is someone else doing it to you? if another person is fingering you and you aren't getting any thing out of it, then it's not's them. they don't know what they are doing. you need to guide them and let them know what makes you feel good. if you are doing it to yourself, try other methods of masterbation and see if that works. good luck!
i guess try in the shower that always works for me.not fingering but try with water or try looking up how to do "IT"
If he used enough fingers and pressure you would feel something.
Change your technique.
why dont you try using things eg. body spray but use smaller things first so it doesnt hurt then after using small things when it doesnt hurt anymore use something bigger to give you a change also you get more pleasure if you look at someone that turns you on whilst doing it or if you cant access pictures use your imagination --hope this helps email me telling me if it did -xxx
Sweety, fingering is soooo last season..You need a toy. Go to your local adult store and buy your self a nice toy to make you orgasm. Its much better than your fingers.
He sucks.
Every girl i've been with has always gotten off in some way or another by my fingers.
Get another bf.


Sorry I gotta ask this but if you finger yourself can people tell when they look down there (doctors) and does anyone have any tips for me (its my first time) thx everyone and sorry about the content of this question
no they can't tell
no they can't tell, your hymen can break for any number of reasons and they have no way of telling what actaly did it. Some girls are born without them and some just break as the girl grows bigger.
do what feels good.
Not unless you are rubbing so hard and so often you are getting all red and swollen.
But generally not.

Fingering cause opening of vagina bleeding. HELP. SERIOUS.?

my boyfriend been fingering me the past month. he was fingering me today and performed oral as well. after i pee, i wiped and saw blood on the tissue paper. and i checked with a mirror and found out that it was the opening of my vagina that was bleeding. the walls arent bleeding, just the opening of vagina. and its kind of brownish red.
please help. what does that mean? is it just damaged from his fingernails maybe? is it breaking the hymen?
by the way, i just noticed that there are two flaps where i can open up to see the opening. so does that mean my hymen is broken?
im scared i might be infected of bacteria. or is it just cuts or injured from too much fingering?
thank you.
he just broke ur hymen dont worry about it... the reason its brown/red is its dry blood and unless it hurts to pee then its not infected... and if he is a relativly clean boy then it shouldent be bacteria prob under the finger nails... he just broke ur hymen ... so dont worry...
it is probably your old are you anyway

hope this helped

have a great day : )

if you have anymore question e-mail me or im me at
He may have tore your hymen (it may or may not be completely broken) which caused the bleeding. I think this happens fairly often with vigorous fingering. I doubt he actually injured you or that it could be infected, just keep an eye on it and take note if it seems to happen again after you're both going at it. If it doesn't seem to happen at any other time (or if it never occurs again) chances are the hymen is the reason.
Your boyfriend most probably had broken your hymen, but breaking you hymen doesn't necessarily mean your not a virgin anymore. Medically speaking yes you are not a virgin anymore, but religously you still are if there are still no penile penetration that had occured.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fill in the Blank: You would beat me so badly in a high stakes poker game that I would be running home ____?

naked, crying, and howling when you remember that you no longer own your home
Crying your pet worm farm
without your pants
You again.

Poor. If you are in a high stakes poker game and you lose, then you will be poor.

Fibroids, any luck with Fibrovan or Neprinol ?

Looking for women who have experienced the results of either one. Trying to find an alternative to surgery for fibroids. Any and all answers appreciated !
Thank-You in advance !
I think if a fibroid is causing bleeding and anemia, it is not worthwhile to go for an alternative treatment to surgery. You may try that when fibroid is causing you other symptoms. Women who have tried that will give their opinion.
Is it pain or dysfunctional uterine bleeding you are having?
talk 2 ur doc about trying a birth control. bc help reduce the size of the actual fibroid and also help with some of the menstrual flowing. but it all depend on the size, sometime its best to remove the fibroid.

Fibrocystic Breasts?

I'm very young, definitely under the age of 30 (Most women with Fibrocystic breasts are between 30-50) and I have what seems to be fibrocystic breasts, except for I have no pain, like most do. Is it possible to have lumpier breasts than most but not have fibrocystic breasts? Should I be concerned and ask my doctor this? It is hard to self examine when you can't decipher between good and bad lumps. I'm still developing, but I am still concerned.
My sister was diagnosed with fibrocystic breasts in her 20's and never had any pain. The doctor found a lump, then another. They removed one lump and did a biopsy to be certain and the rest they just keep an eye on for strange changes. Go to your doctor or OB/GYN. While you're getting checked, ask him/her to show you how to do a good breast exam. I agree it's hard to check for lumps in such a lumpy place!
fibrocystic disease is not a clinical diagnosis its hystological. Meaning you need a biopsy to make that diagnosis
Your breast are probably lumpy because of fibrocystic breast disease..just make sure that the lumps are not hard..if so, inform your doctor of your findings...

Fibroadenoma: What should I do?

I have multiple fibroadenoma's in both of my breasts and am only 16 years old, should I be worried, I know that they arn't cancerous but since I'm younger, do you think they may get larger? Is the removal of them cause any scarring? If you have any experience, please tell me. Thank you.
if you dont have no medical problems.. then get them removed from your breasts... they grow larger.. i was 14 and had one in my left breast and it grew bigger by time i was 15, and it grew up to about 1 pound or better, and so u should get that removed ASAP but u dont worry about getting a scar becuase they have creams and ointments that can clear up scars.

Few days ago i noticed a small bump on my labia, few days later it was bigger, what is it? I know it's no STD.

I dnt think is the B cyst ,
It is possible that this could be a hair follicle. Try sitting in the bath tub with the water as hot as you can take it. This will make the bump come to a head and eventually burst on it's own. It may take a few days for this to happen but be patient. If you have more serious concerns, seek a doctor for treatment. Good Luck.
It could be a boil (it's like a blood filled zit) Heres a link with treatment info for you:
It could be a tiny shard of glass or a piece of shrapenel that's been imbedded under the skin finally working its way out. that's why you should careful what you insert in your vagina.


I was diagnosed with edometriosis two weeks ago, the surgeons letter said he found multiple deposits of endometriosis in the pouch of douglas and on the broad ligament behind my left ovary. He removed the deposits but I worry how much this will affect my fertility, Iam 20 years old and my long term partner is 22 i asked him if he would try for a baby with me encase i cant get pregnant in the future and he said no he doesnt want one at the moment!! i respect he doesnt want one now but its really upsetting me that he may be taking away my chance to have babies???
If anyone knows or has endometriosis i would appreciate any advise thanks!
It is definitely a risk since there is no cure for endometriosis. With that said, there are some treatment programs available that could help improve your chances if you and your significant other decide to wait.

鈥?Medication to suppress ovarian activity and slow endometrial tissue growth

鈥?Surgery to remove misplaced endometrial tissue

鈥?Surgery to remove the uterus, fallopian tubes and/or the ovaries

鈥?A combination of medication and surgery

No one treatment has been proven more effective than another. Treatments are chosen according to the woman鈥檚 specific symptoms, plans to have children, and her age.
About 40% of the women suffering from endometriosis will have problems conceiving. So, it might be you need medical help to get pregnant in the future.
I am not an expert, but you can find a lot of help by joining a self-help group like (this is for girls below 25)

Fertility vitamin for men?

Hi i would like to know any good fertility vitamins for men to help with conception that work
Foods are the best source of vitamins because your brain can recognize food and assimilate the vitamins, whereas vitamins are reconstructed and difficult to absorb and digest.

Whole food supplements look like vitamins but come from food sources so they are easier to digest and absorb.

Here are just a few foods good for mens fertility...
*whole organic wheat (with the wheat germ in tact)
*ghee, (clarified butter)
* whole grains (brown rice)
* whole legume soups and beans
* extra virgin organic olive oil
*raw honey

Foods which are detrimental to fertility of men are

*overly processed oils, (especially canola oil)
*red meats, (especially beef)
*too much sugar or overly processed sugars such as white sugar, or high fructose corn syrup
*sugary soda drinks
Diet %26 lifestyle affect a lot sperm quality: you should eat more vitamines, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, practice sport (with moderation), sleep enough, reduce stress... the usual.
Zinc and folic acid are supposed to help sperm quality. You can try this supplement:
It is recommended by one of the top reproductive endocrinologists in the US

Fertility quiestion(ladies only please)?

i see quite a bit of clear dischard today. is that a sign that i am fertile right now!
Only if it looks and feels like egg whites!
go buy an ovaltion detector from walgreens that should tell you
Yes you are fertile. Fertile mucus will often look clear and be quite stretchy, it is often described as raw egg white. Infertile mucus may have a thicker appearance and can appear absent, gluggy or claggy. It is often white or yellowish in colour.
I dunno about discharge.. my doc told me that when the mucus (your personal, natural lube) is thinner, and stretches between your thumb and forefinger to 2 inches or more, its a sign that you are ovulating. She said it should look like raw egg whites.
Yes it is a good sign also mid cycle 14 day before period is to start

Fertility and pre cancerous cells?

is it true that if you have pre cancerous cells removed from your cervix ur fertility will improve
No. Your cervix has absolutely no impact on whether you can conceive or not. Having cancerous cells removed from your cervix CAN cause problems later in pregnancy, but it's not guaranteed. It all depends on how much you have removed. If you had a LEEP and only a thin layer was removed, you more than likely won't have any issues. If you had a full conization, your cervix will be VERY thin and weak. You probably won't have any problems actually conceiving, but when your baby becomes larger/heavier (usually around 20 weeks gestation) the weight of the baby could force your cervix to open prematurely, causing a miscarriage. Women CAN carry children to term, but they have to have cerclages (where the doctor stitches your cervix closed to hold the baby in).
I've never heard of this. I've had this procedure done. However I do know that if you have endometrosis, your fertility will improve if you have it removed.

Feminine Hygiene Question?

Ladies I know doctors and females alike say douching is bad for you. So I would like to know what you all think about using vinegar in your bath water and perhaps summers eve feminine wash. I'm trying to learn as much as I can so that I get a thorough understanding of feminine hygiene. Ladies I don't want to be ignorant on the matter. I hope you all understand my quest for knowledge instead of me being another dumb guy saying dumb things about feminine hygiene. Any and all responses are welcome.
Using vinegar in your bath water will be hard on your skin due to the acid. I don't recommend ANY famine sprays, powders or washes due to the fragrance in them promote infections from yeast to bacteria. It is true that Douching can upset the PH balance of the vagina and cause infections from yeast to bacteria but using douche ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE will not hurt anyone if you use a mild vinegar and water douche.

However, you can sit in a baking soda bath and it will not hurt anything instead of using vinegar. All woman weather they want to admit it or not have an odor to them, just some have a stronger odor than others and it's usually related to either an infection or PH upset. I hope this helps and gives you a better understanding.
The ingrediants in these products as well as vinegar will kill the "good" bacteria in the woman's reproductive system. Is your concern odor related? There are products that can help with that. But douches are not healthy in women and our bodies cleanse themselves on the inside naturally.
Hope this helps
I know that douching is not healthy for women, but doing it once a month or every other month does not hurt you. As long as the douche is mild and fragrance free.
Well I wish I had saved that e-mail from long ago where I answered this question for you once before! lol But I will give it another shot!

Day to day cleaning is different for every woman! Showering is always a good start! I personaly don't use alternate items such as Douching because it can be very harmful to your natural lubrication! I also am very senstive and reactions are always not so good!

Some woman have the "un-clean" feeling more than other woman! I personally only notice it around my time of the month.

I would say douching every once in awhile would not be harmful to your body. I would think that in some situations Dr's might even recommend it.


do all tampons have a warning about Toxic Shock Symdrome (TTS)? it's my first time using some to begin with that freaked me out. then i tried to put it in and it hurt,especially when i sat, is it suppost to? and the how do you know you put it in right, because i don't get the "put it in the right angle" i don't know what's the right angle.what's the worst thig that could happen for ussing tampons other than, the little string breaking?

thank you in advance, i'm nervous
By law, all tampons manufactured today must carry that warning.

First of all TSS is a VERY rare disease (less than 1000 cases have been reported since 1985). Furthermore, ANYONE - male or female - can contract this disease since it is an infection of the blood. I read a report recently about a 14 year old boy who nearly died of TSS from a scratch on his leg. So if you're concerned about getting TSS, simply be SURE to change your tampon every 6-8 hours and to remove the last tampon at the end of your period (and do NOT use them when you're not menstruating).

As for insertion, be sure you angle the applicator (ones with plastic applicators are best...start with a Slim size) toward your tailbone. If you angle it "up" toward your stomach, you're going to run into problems. If you insert it far enough you should not feel it; however if you do, try a different position during insertion and/or give the strings a little tug. But toward your tailbone is the "right angle" for insertion.

Having used tampons for over 25 years, I can assure that string breakage is also VERY rare...I've never had it happen. The worst thing that has happened to me is that it occasionally hurts because it hasn't absorbed enough moisture (in which case I just wait a little longer to remove it).

Just remember...practice makes perfect. You'll get it eventually. Good luck!!
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a rare but serious disease that is recognizable and treatable. About half of the reported cases in the United States are associated with women using tampons. Even though it is rare, it's best to know about it so you can take the right actions if you think you may have it. If left untreated, TSS can progress to a serious disease that can be fatal.
Anyone can get TSS - men, women or children. It isn't contagious - you can't catch TSS from other people. Some cases of TSS occur from insect bites, burns or surgical wounds that become infected.
The type of TSS associated with tampon use is caused by a toxin producing strain of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus that's commonly found on the skin, in the nose, armpit, groin or vagina. Like other types of bacteria, a person could "carry" these bacteria without problems. The majority of people have a built-in ability to fight TSS, but some don't.
You can reduce your risk of getting TSS during your period by using the tampon with the lowest absorbency for your flow, and alternating tampon use with pads during a 24 hour time period.

Symptoms of TSS
Some of the symptoms of TSS are like the flu, but they can become serious quickly. The signs of TSS are:
Rising body temperature (102 degrees Fahrenheit [38.8 degrees Celsius] or higher)
a sunburn-like rash
muscle aches
fainting, or near fainting when you stand up
A person who has had TSS can develop it again. If a woman has had TSS before, she should talk to a doctor before using tampons again.

What to Do if You Think You Have TSS
If you experience the symptoms above and you're wearing a tampon, remove the tampon immediately and call a doctor or other health care provider for immediate treatment. Tell the doctor that you have been using tampons and suspect TSS. If you're wrong, all the better. But it's better to be overly careful - what's important is to get speedy treatment.
How to Avoid Getting TSS
Choosing the Right Absorbency
It's important to choose the lowest absorbency for your menstrual flow. Your flow changes from day to day, so you may need to use different absorbencies on different days of your period.
Here's How to Pick the Right Absorbency Tampon for Your Flow

Take the tampon out after wearing it for four hours. If it has soaked up to the full amount, you may want to try a higher absorbency.
After 8 hours of use, if white fiber is still showing, you should choose a lower absorbency.

Alternate Your Tampon Use With Pads
You can also reduce the risk of tampon-associated TSS by interrupting your tampon use with feminine pads - maybe while you sleep.
If you want to totally avoid the risk of TSS as associated with tampon use, avoid using tampons completely and use pads instead.
Other Helpful Tips

It's important to change your tampon every 4-8 hours. Never wear a tampon for more than 8 hours, and remember to remove the last tampon you put in at the end of your period.
If you sleep less than 8 hours a night and use a tampon, use the lowest absorbency needed. Insert a fresh tampon just before going to bed and remove it as soon as you wake up in the morning.
If you sleep more than 8 hours, don't use a tampon - use a pad.
yes you can get tss with any tampons. the only reason it would hurt, feel discomfort, or anything is because its not in the right way, or its not in alll the way, make sure its in there all the way push it as far as you can! dont worry about it, if it hurts just take it out and try again, the worst thing that could happen is it comes out or you get tss( not likely)

Good luck!
if it hurts when you put in its only because you put it in wrong and its rubbing against your muscles.
you'll just have to figure the "right angle" out !
you'll get it once you do.
if the string breaks (which it probably wont) it's no big.
and the chances of TSS are like... totally low.
if you dont think youre ready to use tampons, then stick to pads.
got it? hope i helped.
Its all really scary when you first have to do it. It will feel a little uncomfortable, but at first if you can lie down when you are inserting it will make it easier. Remember to take big deep breaths. You must check on the tampon around 4 hours and gently tug on the string, if you feel too much resistance its not ready to change. Just make sure that you dont leave it there over 6-8 hours and never leave them in overnight while you are sleeping.
You will be just fine!
I believe all tampons have the warning on them! If it hurt then you prob. didn't insert it right. I have never had a tampon string break or even heard of anyone who had that happened to them! The only thing is of course Toxic shock if you wear a higher absorbency for an extended period of time. Keep yourself clean and change often.
stick 2 pads... easier
if it hurt when u sat down you probably didn't get it in far enough. the most important thing is to try to relax...easier said than done though huh? when you put it in angle it towards your lower back. try sitting on the toilet, standing, one foot on the toilet...the easiest way is different for everyone. TSS is rare...the most important thing is to not leave your tampon in longer than what it says on the box. and use the smallest one for how heavy your period is. when i first started using tampons i swear i almost threw up lol the whole idea freaked me out but i promise you'll get used to it! i haven't used a pad in...oh about 8 years i think.
you also can't do any damage trying to put a tampon in so don't worry about that. if you have any other questions let me know!
you can get toxic shock syndrome from any tampons. don;t worry unless you dont know how to correctly put it in, or you keep it in for too long. my advice for you is to not keep the tampon in for any longer then 8 hours. also, read the directions that come in the tampon box like 5 times! you're probably putting the tampon in the wrong way or not putting it in far enough. you have to make sure that the applicator is a little bit in your vaginal hole before you push the tampon in.

i reccomend playtex sport,
they're the best ones, in my opinion.
Tilt it slighly upwards toward your lower back. It's not supposed to hurt. It did because it wasn't in all the way. The worst thing is TSS (but it is VERY rare, just don't leave a tampon in longer than 8 hours maximum)

Females please help?

I went to the ER yesterday because my boob was hurting. Well Dr said I have a inflammed lump right under my nipple. They are sending me for a mamogram next week but I am hurting really bad with taken pain meds. They are not helping. Should I go back to the ER today or try and tuff it out until appt. Honestly I dont think I can with all the pain. I have in the past had 3 cists on my boobs before Im thinking it is prob. another but the other ones didnt hurt like this..please help
I would certainly at least check with your personal physician,
I have had fibrocystic breast problems, and it really helps to shrink them by taking vitamin E capsules, this may also help alleviate the pain because it takes the pressure of any fluid off the cysts. I hope all goes well for you, and that you are feeling fine soon. Sincerely, pf
JESUS ******* CHRIST get to the bloody hospital now! my god! u poor woman!
I would go back to the hospital, just in case. They may tell you there's nothing they can do but there might be a problem, so I'd say check just to be on the safe side.
Go back. They might be able to give you stronger meds. Good luck!
Try calling the emergency room and see what they say. If you explain to them that you were there yesterday and that you have meds then they will tell you if you should go back or not. it;s better than taking a trip over there if you don't feel good. Hope you feel better.
i think you should sticke it out be a woman and take it let your meds work give them time i was told that yesterday i hurt my finger really badly i was told to let my meds works so jst do that if they dont work with the week go back to the hospital and see waht they say good luck.
I would go back immediately!don't put up with the pain!and if what they prescribe don't help go back again.good luck!
u poor sweet-heart. i think that u should go to the hospital/doctor again/ or at least call him and talk to him. aks him if u shld come back
If the pain is really bad, then I would go back and get better pain meds. Why suffer more than you need to? By the way, the extra pain does not necessarily indicate a worse condition. Breasts are sensitive, nipples especially, and it is likely where the lump is placed that is causing the extra discomfort.
Go back, you shouldn't have to suffer.
GO BACK!!! go back to the ER and tell them that the medications aren't helping and they will probably give you stronger medications. also tell them how much pain you've been in! good luck!

Females onnlyyy?

im 13, almost 14, and my mom is a DD to a E. in victorias secret bras im a 32 B. will i inheret her boobs? just wonderringgg
The only answer someone can give you is maybe. It just all depends on the genes you got.
im the same age. same situation. but im an A! i dont know whats going onnnnn
you always have a realy good chance..but your not done growing yet and you wont be untill your 18-20yrs once you hit 18 if your still small then your going to be small ..that is the way to figure out that one...
well maybe...

because of her genes passed to yours..

to tell you simply

do not try to be fat to get smaller boobs
maybe it all depends .no one can say hey just be lucky if your over what the average is. do you know how many women pay for breast!!!! big money ...good luck
it's a 50/50 shot that you may or may not, take for example my friend, her mom has a huge chest size but my friend - whos in her mid 20's - is about a b cup, and me, I'm in the d range where my mom is in the c range so as I've said it's 50/50% chance, luck of the dice lol
maybe while genetics determine cetain factors, you may get them or not
wow ur mom has big boobs.. anw.. probably.. look at ur dad's side too!! at his sisters and mom.. look at every1 in ur family that is related to u..

anw to ur question.. MAYBE
possible but not guaranteed. My mother is like a DD and I am only a full C, my sister is only an A.

and buy your bras somewhere else. VS is poor quality at a high price

Females only please?

ok so tomorrow is the 4th of July and my family is having a cook out and every one will be swimming except for me all because of my stupid period but any ways my questions I guess you could say are Im 14 and I need a tampon brand best for me Im fairly small in that arear and Ive already tried PLaytex gentle glide slim fits and there far to long and I tried regulars tampax pearls so which should I use ,and also are the lights ones able to handle a heavy period on a small person every one says you should use them if your small but is it true and how long shoul I keep it in for because I do have a heavy cycle thank you for all answers
Tampax Satin Teen is good if you're small in that area lol i use that and Playtex Sport because its more comfortable especially swimming. and im 14 too
Everyone is different. Just keep expermenting with different brands until you find what works best for you.
I would try OB brand, they are shorter than other tampons. You only need to use one finger to insert it.
o.b. is a very small tampon that may work for you but if you are worried about your period being too heavy you should also wear a thin pad or panty liner with it just in case of an accident
i've used a ton of different brands.and i think maybe your best bet would be to try o.b. tampons. They come REALLY tiny and expand to fit you. Also, if you have a heavy flow, you could use the light ones, but youll probably have to change them often. I would suggest at least a regular, if not a super. And you definitely shouldnt keep it in for more than 8 hours.I wont get into TSS (toxic shock syndrome) information being that Im sure you're fed up with it...however, if you still have questions, all tampons are packaged with little information sheets...i would suggest reading those.

and dont miss out on swimming cause of your period hun! lotsa girls swim with tampons in

hope it helped!
the thing that worries me is you say playtex are far too long, they shouldn't be if you get them far enough in. Not putting a tampon in far enough is the MOST COMMON MISTAKE, just remember that.
MAKE YOUR OWN! Use Wads of Paper Towels ---roll them together and stick it up there. IT feels GREAT and when you're ready just pull on the end--it comes right out!!!!!
I agree with OK_WHATEVER. It sounds like you didnt get it in there far enough. The same thing happened to me when I was a teen. I would definitly try the gentle glide tampons again. Just be sure to prop a foot on the toliet or a bathtub and gently slide it in. I guarantee it will fit you. If you have any questions just email me. Trust me from someone who knows, try it again. I missed out on a lot of fun activities because I didnt know how to do it. Best of luck girly!
ummmm tampax small
but plz stick with plastic ok
I find Playtex to be the easiest to apply. Follow the directions about how often to change it.

Females i need help?

okays i have cheer camp on the week of my period should be ending before camp like on the day i get there but is there any remides to help it go away faster? NO MEDCINES PLEASE thanks a billion!
PLEASE don't listen to people's stupid answers. your period has nothing to do with your stomach so what you eat and drink is not going to change anything. there's nothing you can use to make your periods shorter. my advice is to use a tampon if you can. hopefully your period will be light since it'll be your last couple days.
just let it run its course!
I really dont think that that is medically possible, and if so I'm sure its not healthy!!
I heard drinking a lot of water helps.
the only thing I can think of is to like not eat much.but that is usually to get it to not come in the first place. I would just be sure to bring a good supply of tampax. it is usually pretty light on the last day anyway, right?

good luck
All my friends told me drinking hard liquor works to make your period shorter.

Females (males with insight) What night of your cycle do you sleep best ??

I know I have an incredible problem with insomnia which is improved for one/ two evenings a month, am I alone here ?
I am also an insomniac - and sadly one with heavy periods - I sleep best when I don't have a period! But I sleep very badly the first two to three nights of my period as I am so worried I'll leak, and then the rest of the time I sleep pretty much the same. But I do sleep well after my period has just finished, probably catching up on lost hours from during my period!
I always sleep best the first night after my period stops. Dunno why but I do.
the week before my period is due.
I sleep best about a week before my period starts and a week after.
i sleep well 4weeks in a month!!i rarely have problems with my sleeping!
i have cut down on coffee %26 tea %26 instead at night time i drink cammomile tea!!
i can barely sleep on the first and second nights, cuz i don;t want anything to leak
i sleep the best when ive had a busy day
After a five mile cycle I sleep well

Females - Some Help Please, Nurses, Docs?

I posted a few days ago because I was not sure if I had a yeast infection or bacterial infection.

I've been taking acidopholous pills (3 x per day) do I need to be taking more than that to see better results? So far, they have not helped much. My friend told me she takes 6 a day and sees results.

Anyhow, the problem is I had itching down there and the vuvla was swollen on one side. It is still that way, but I developed two bumps down there now and they are painful. I am prone to cysts and have recently started using new detergent and did wash with a perfumed soap with lotion in it before this started.

Naturally, there is the worry it could be an STD, but I have not slept with my ex since last year.

What is annoying is that I went to see a new MD yesterday (gyno wont be in until tomorrow) and they would not see me cause I did not bring photo ID (??!!) Advice would help, but would you spend money on a dr's office that refuses to see you because of no ID? Advise please.
The swollen labia may be due to candida overgrowth (yeast infection). You do not need to have intercourse to get it. If it has been there for a long time (sometimes it can be in a dormant state, causing almost no signs) it may make your labia swollen, itchy and red. Acidophillous is a great way to prevent yeast infections, but i wouldn't bet on them if your infection has gone a little too far. Does it burn or sting when you wash there? Do you have more abundant discharge, even if it has not changed color/texture? If you do, it may be thrush caused by candidiasis. The treatment here would be applying a cream inside the affected area (like Monistat or Lotrimin), but let the ob/gyn diagnose you.

About your MD...well, i've seen doctors give medical attention to people who won't just lack photo id, but cannot pay also. There are hundreds and hundreds of really well prepared doctors, but only a handful who will treat you like a person, i'd stick to those and forget about the ones who think even a word of sympathy is payable.

In the meantime (your appointment is tomorrow, right?) go buy some natural, color-free, additive-free (best if organic) yogurt and apply on the affected area. It feels more soothing if it's cold. Let it sit for about 15 min and wash with water only. Dry thoroughly. If the itching is absolutely killing you, take some Benadryl to help ease the reaction on your skin.
You need to go to a doc! I have no idea why they needed the ID, but next time take it with you. (even if you switch doctors--they probably need it for security/ID purposes)
They probably wanted to see your ID in order to protect them from insurance fraud. Also, they need to verify your identity so that the doctor does not treat the wrong patient.

Female secretion ?

Does a woman secrete any fluide like man when she reaches climax ??
Some do. Look up 'female ejaculation.'
Yes.. some women will and some women will not. Many women secrete very thin clear kindy of sticky-like fluid. This is totally normal. It may not come out amount wise as semen. but there can be secretions!
its a clear-like fluid
it comes out of the same hole pee comes out and some women mistake it for pee but it isnt
it is sometimes called "squirting"

Female question..?

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Female Problem... please help!?

I am experiencing a heavy yellowish brown discharge to the point that I need to use panty liners and it smells gross to the point that I feel like everyone can smell it. It has been going on for 2 years on and off and just recently I was treated for a bacteria infection and then a UTI. I have had recurring abnormal paps, and Im currently on the nuva ring. I just need someone that has answers because the doctors dont seem to think anything is wrong. I've been with the same person for over a year, and I'm just fed up with going through this every other month... please help...
You need to find a new GYN. If this continues there are going to be term effects. No infection should last that long and should not continuously return. Request you records and find a reputable doctor ASAP.
Std, the nuva ring, infection.. I am thinking std.
you need to go see a gynocologist, not just a normal doctor. A gyn. can give you a better opinion on whats wrong and see if you have any serious condition or need medication to help you! PLEASE go to a gynocologist! good luck! and i hope i helped you!

Female Breasts, what affects them?

**Warning these questions may be long**

As weird as this sound coming from a male, I was just curious about females' breast. Lately i've been thinking most breast come in different shapes and sizes and most are beautiful. And i've been looking at some breast messaging videos on
After looking at one of them, I saw cancer. And then soon was wondering what is good and bad for female breasts.
And so I ask you:

Are bras bad for the breast?
And is breast messaging really helpful?
Is it true that bras control the size and the cleavage size?

Thank you, and I aplogize for this question if it offended any female subjects.
I don't find your question offensive at all. I think it's good to want to know about our bodies, even the opposite gender's.

Bras can be good and bad. A properly fitting bra can help to reduce the sag that comes with age. It defies gravity, basically. Also, sports bras help to keep the connective tissue (fascia) from tearing during exercise. Breasts do bounce and that bounce can cause the fascia to tear.

A bra that is too tight can cause constriction. This can lead to vascular problems as well as calcifications. For larger breasts the worst things are skinny bra straps and lack of support. This will cause ruts in the shoulders where the straps dig in. This is also why I hate Victoria's Secret. Damn cute bras with useless skinny straps!

Breast massaging does help to get the blood flowing. It's good for any and all body parts, in fact, not just breasts. It will help to reduce the liklihood of embolisms and calcifications. It also feels quite nice, again, that goes for all body parts.

Breast massaging can help in terms of cancer as it can help you find a lump. It won't prevent cancer but it can help to find it and, thus, get it treated earlier.

Bras do not control the sizes of breasts unless they include pads. Even then the size is only increased as long as the pads are there. Cleavage is only effected by how much or little the bras squeeze the breasts together.
it's all about hormones

breast massaging is worthless


Being female, I am not offendig by your question. It's kind of nice to see a man who cares.

1- bras are not necessarily bad, but they are uncomfortable, but they can be nice too... it depends on the make.

2- massages are wonderful... and as a side note... it's usually the men who are breast-men who discover breast cancer in their women. If you love your gal, and you love her breasts and you touch them frequently, you may be her first defense against malignant breast cancer.

3- bras do not control breast size--- but they can enhance the APPEARANCE of clevage.
bras arent bad, but shouldnt be worn ALL the time like not for bed

uhh never heard of that...

push up bras make breasts squeeze together and create firmness and cleavelege
Bras are not bad for a woman's breast. They are the heavenly man made support that we need. Bras actually prevent sagging.

Breast massaging I've never heard of. You may be talking about a BSE (Breast Self Exam). At any age, doing that at least once a month will allow a girl/woman to get to know what their breast tissue feels like. So, when and if the day comes, a woman does a self check, and she finds some sort of difference (this would be a cyst) whether it be a minor change or drastic, she will be able to go to the doctor sooner and have a biopsy done to find out if the cyst has cancerous cells or not.

And as for bras controlling the size of a woman's breasts-that's totally false. The size of a woman's breast (cleavage size does not exist--cleavage comes from the padding that some bras come with, or by using a push up bra) depends on the amount of hormones she received for breast tissue during puberty.

This question isn't offensive. You're curious. There's nothing wrong in that.

Feelings after a miscarriage?

Hello everyone, I am looking for some advice please, I had a miscarriage on monday 9th July and was told by my gp that the bleeding will last 2-3 days, but I am still feeling light headed and nausea throughout the day, is this normal ? take care everyone, Helen xx
Your feelings of being lightheaded and dizzy are more than likely due to the increase blood loss. It is common for somebody in your position to feel slightly ill or lightheaded but you should be aware of just how much blood your losing. Keep track of the number of pads you are using each day and if your symptoms get worse call your Dr. and let her know. It should pass in a few days but you should be in bed resting and be sure to get some food in you.
Omg I'm so sorry for your loss :(
OMG i feel so sorry for you :(
Oh I am so sorry for your loss. I had 2 miscarriages many years ago, and the feelings you are having are your body telling you that you need to rest. And not for a couple of days either. You need to put your feet up, watch a few nice films, a big box of chocolates and a nice bottle of wine and rest rest rest. I did that and it takes time, but you will be ok i am sure of that. Take the best care of yourself
I had a miscarriage and bled heavily for about 4 days and light bleeding up until around the 10th day.
The nausea is probably down to the fact that your losing blood, and also just the trauma of the miscarriage.
If it is morning sickness then that should ease off almost immediately, but you did only miscarry on Monday, so I would not be too alarmed but the lightheadedness at this point.
Its a horrible thing to go through, so my thoughts are with you.
Take care
I am so sorry this happened to you.
You have my sincerest condolences.
I don't know how to answer your question because I don't know anything about how you should feel.
But I hope you are alright and someday you will be happy.
I'll pray for you and your little angel.
Well, if you are losing a lot of blood then that's probably why you are feeling light headed. The symptoms usually take a while to go anyway. Did they do a scan or an internal to check that everything was ok?
I am so very sorry to hear about you r loss. It's normal to feel this way for a few long as the bleeding doesn't get really bad.
Make sure you relax a few days , do not get up on your feet any more than you need to. Take care
Omg I'm so sorry for your loss
this thing will go by time
so sorry for your loss. this happened to me years ago ,and the baby misscarried in hospital where they kept me in for a few days. they dont do that now. isnt there someone who could look after your little girl while you rest? even if its only say afternoons for a week or so , till you feel a bit better?Maybe a relative, neighbour or even a child minder, just to give you a break. be sure to eat and get plenty of sleep, so your mind and body can get over this, do please take care
So sorry for your loss!

Kevin C is correct on keeping track of the amount of pads you are using. Perhaps he is in the medical field.but the info is correct. We all don't know how many weeks pregnant you might have been, but bleeding heavy for some time after is normal. You can expect more blood flow when you stand if you were laying down and sometimes from sitting. This is normal.

From the loss of blood, your iron level is down. You can take addition iron vitamins and if you don't have them in the house, have someone shop for you and bring them to you. This will help from feeling lightheaded, and eating strawberries help your body break down the iron for your body to use it. You can also eat bannanas to help with lightheadedness. Drink plenty of water or fruit juice to stay hydrated.

Do not use tampons at all with the sad news, only pads. If the pads become soaked and need changing at the rate of one per 15 minutes, it is an emergency and you must call for an ambulance and get to a hospital ASAP. Do not try to drive yourself if this occures but it would be smart to call a neighbor to come until they arrive. Driving is never recommended for a few weeks. Check with your doctor to find out how long you should wait for driving.

Do not take asprin as this leads to increased amounts of bleeding. You should not lift heavy objects such as a laundry basket or even push a vac around the house. Nothing is as important as you becoming well.

If you get fever or chills, you should call your doctor right away, but if his/her office is closed, go to an emergency room for a check up. If you do head to a hospital, do not take asprin, other meds, drink or eat until after you are there and seen by a doctor.

Helen I'm sure you will be fine and heal quickly! This sad time will pass too over time. Spending time in the company of the child you already have will help heal the sadness.

I wish you well and all the best Helen.
I'm so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. I have experienced a miscarriage as well, a while ago, so I know what you're going through.

You are describing normal symptoms. They shouldn't last for too much longer. If you are still feeling this way, though, let's say over the weekend, or become worse, I suggest a call to the doctor. An ultrasound should be done to make sure that you don't have anymore tissue left in the uterus, and a bloodtest should be done to make sure that your HCG levels are going down.

If these tests show that there is tissue left or that your HCG levels aren't decreasing, then a D%26C may be required.

Hugs to you... I wish you well.
I am so very sorry for your loss. You may want to see this
when you're feeling up to it. Very, very beautiful
I found out I were pregnant on the 25th June which were a monday and me and my husband were overjoyed. Then the following thursday I started bleeding so went to hospital. They sent me home after reviewing my symptoms telling me to rest and to come back monday morning and they'll do a scan. I was horrified not knowing if everything was ok or not, thought the next 3-4 days are going to be a big worry causing unnecessary stress. But on the saturday I started getting some really comfortable pains in my side so off again back to hospital, this time they kept me in I were still bleeding and because of the pain they suspected ectopic pregnancy but I still had to wait to monday morning before they would do a scan. Monday came still bleeding had a scan and told the were nothing in my womb, they did more blood tests and the pregnancy hormone were dropping so I miscarried. I stopped bleeding a week later, overall I bleed for nearly two weeks. I'm just so numb with how to feel its a horrible experience and I really do feel for you. take care.

Feeling tired...working too much or is something wrong?

Or am i working too hard? Lately I've been very tired all the time, by the time I get home I'm dead! I work from 9 am to 1 pm then I go to my internship at 2 pmand leave at around 6:30 pm... I get home at about 7 and then go to my exercise class three times a week from 7:30 to 9pm... or go jogging when there's no class...Im in my early 20' I working myself too hard??... what can i do so i dont feel so dead or tired? is something wrong with me? Are these symptoms i should be worried about? help please! Thanks!
it could be that you're just pushing yourself too much if you aren't used to being that busy. however, if you don't feel that it's that and you feel unusually tired, have your doctor do a blood test to check your thyroid hormones. that's one of the most common symptoms of low thyroid hormones. it's an easy test so if you're at all worried, which it seems like you are, just give your doctor a call!
I'd say you just need some much needed rest!! Take a night off. Take a warm bath and go to bed early!

Feeling so cold while in a arguement??

when ever me and my boyfriend get a bad mis understanding and we do talk to or do it right, i feel so so cold, all over me all the time, even when its really hot i feel freezing.

Does anyone know why i get like this when we have bad upsets??
I think when you argue, you might be kicking in the "flight or fight" process. You might look up information on the autonomic nervous system..sympathetic nervous system.

When we get upset, are threatened, have a trauma (car accident) our sympathetic nervous system kicks in and helps us. Our heart rate elevates, we get adrenaline.numerous things happen.

Perhaps you are feeling that response OR feeling faint (feeling cold usually happens when you are in the process of passing out).

Once the fight or threat is over, the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in and stabilizes things.

I think you are feeling your body at work.

No more fighting, sister! :)
Your upset.
You don't make much sense.
Shock can make you feel cold, perhaps that is why. Do you hate confrontation...that could be enough to do it.
It's just nerves. People's bodies act differently and when you get stressed out your body goes cold. My wife will sometimes get sick and throw up if she gets too upset. That is just her bodies natural reaction.
Haha i used to feel that too. It's probably moods, the way you feel affects your body a LOT i mean heck you can get acid reflux and TBC increased risk from stress! This is just the way your body reacts to this type of emotion, it's nothing to worry about

Feeling cold?

I dunno why, but I almost always feel cold. I've been feeling like this since last winter and now we are in July. I always have to wear a coat or a cardi and if I don't then I start to feel cold and I get goose pimples on my arms. What could be the reason??
poor circulation then again could be alot of reasons i would see your doctor.
Could be low iron. Low iron is very common for women, all you need to do is buy an over the counter supplement and see if that helps.
Is it cold all over, or just in your fingers and toes? There's a condition that some people get that makes their hands, feet, fingers, and toes get cold easily.
Low Iron.. Lack of Vitamins..
well that happened to me after a loss an extreme amount of weight (i was actually anorexic, but it can happen even if u arent). low body fat is often the cause of this. make sure u have a healthy BMI for ur age and size. otherwise, u might want to check with a doc on this one.
Bad blood pressure could be an answer. Take Vitamine E and Zinc for your heart. Maybe see a doctor to have it checked out.
I would check with a doctor for sure. Otherwise, it could be hormones or maybe just getting old? lol. Thanks and have a great day!!

Feel severe pain in breast before 7-10 days periods get start.?

I m 25yr old unmarried girl. I feel severe pain in my breast before some days menses start. %26 during that pain days I feel also some increment in the size of breast too.But after periods all becomes normal. Pls tell whts it? Is any thng dangerous? can I get any trouble in future?
pain in your breasts is a sign of pregnancy. But if you get your period, then that's probably not the case for you.

You should ask your doctor and get a mammogram to check the health of our breasts.
lol... its nothing serious... it happens ... im 20 and ive been getting those from the first time i got my period.
yer me too dont worry its normal

Favorite brand...?

I use tampons moslty with a few pads every so often...I use Playtex Sport Tampons and if i use the pads i use Always.i am wondering if i should switch brands of tampons.what do u use both pads and tampons and how are they?
Thanks in Advance
I use Always, and stayfree, and i have used Kotex, I use Playtex gentle glide tampons, and Tampax compact
well, i dont use tampons but i use Stay Free pads.
Tampax Pearls and Always Ultra Thin; I would try the Pearls they are so comfortable and don't leak! I gave the Playtex Sports a try and didn't like them.
I use just tampon but i do not like tampax. I like O.B. There my favorite for sure, the only problem is there's no applicator. But it makes up for it in confort and flexibility.
Hope this Helped!
I like playtex, because the applicator is the most comfortable.
i use always ultra thin, and tampax pearl regular

Fat? help pls?

well i'm 5/4 almost 5/5 i weigh like 140. i wear a 9ish in juniors. am i fat?? I mean I know I have some extra baggage but I can't get rid of it! I have big runs in the family so i know i will never be a size 3. but i would like to lose some weight. I have to do it secrectly though my fam doesnt know. help me lose wieght. pls. no smarta$$ answers pls i already have no selfconfidence. i would like help
You may not be overweight at all as others have suggested. There are so many different body types and shapes, a body fat percentage would be more accurate. But if you want to slim down I would say:
*Try to eliminate fast food, if you have to just order a salad.
*Drink lots of water, it keeps you healthy, hydrated, and sometimes your hunger cravings are just because you're thirsty.
*Of course cut down on salts, sugars, and fats. Killers for this are anything fried/crispy, soda pops, and canned things. (Salt is a common preservative that can leave you bloated.) But mostly just check labels.
*Contrary to so many diets you don't need to eat only certain things and never eat others. A well rounded diet is the best option. You can eat almost anything just watch your portion sizes. (Such as when having a snack don't eat straight out of the bag, put some in a bowl so you can tell how much you are actually eating.)

But never stop eating, severely ration, or use any other drastic measure to lose weight. When you body senses starvation it doesn't automatically start burning your fat, it starts with your muscles, the very things you need to burn fat. Eating diorders can also destroy your metabolism and cause many other health problems. Take it from me IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!

If you're young you're probably still growing so you'll grow into it, don't worry. Just start exercising regularly (nothing extreme), eating right, and drinking lots of water. And smile you are beautiful and there's nothing wrong with a few curves.
That depends on your age,but i don't think your fat.Why do you have to secretly lose weight without family knowing,Losing weight is good for everyone.Good luck.
dont feel bad... i am the same way... almost 5/5 but i dont have the same pant size... Dont worry you are fine.. just try to be active and stay away from sweets
I would consult a doctor before trying to lose weight and make sure that she agrees that you are overweight. If she tells you that it's a good idea to lose weight, then work out for at least 1/2 hour a day. Also, avoid soda, alcohol, fried food, and sweets. Try nutricious snacks such as yogurt, fruit, and almonds. These snacks are low in calories but will satisfy your hunger between meals.
Okay, you need to realize something! You are big boned. Being a size 9 in juniors, is probably the perfect size for your body! You need to find a size that you think you look great in. A big boned girl would look horrible in a size 3. I am a size 3 and I am your height, but I am not big boned an I am not done growing. If you are staying physically active and are eating a healthy diet, you are at the perfect size for your body and shape. Everyone is built different and is a different size, that is why they make different sizes. If you are leading a healthy lifestyle, you are NOT fat. I am sure that you look great! :)
Do you know how much body fat you've got? You shouldn't have more than 32% of fat on your body.

Your clothes size, weight, height...none of this matters as long as you have a healthy level of body fat.

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