Saturday, October 31, 2009

For long time birth control users?

has there been a health problems you have had due to the use of birth controls?
haven't had any health problems (knock on wood)
none what so ever~just recently went off it, for different
Nope can lose your hair, become allergic (get itchy patches all over), bruise, have morning sickness 24/7. If you smoke, you can have heart problems, strokes...
You can also make Lupus worse (if you have lupus, or discover you have lupus, by taking bc pills)...there are a lot of things that can happen.
I got pregnant with the diaphragm; I'd say THAT was a problem.

I used an IUD; it punctured my uterus and I had to have emergency surgery. DEFINITE problem.

Heard HORRIBLE things about the Patch; probably wouldn't want to try that.

I have used pills for years without too many problems. The side effects that I DID experience were easily managed by simply changing the formulation till I found one that worked well.

Without a more adequate description of what you're looking for, this is about the best I or anyone else can do for you.
Yes. A known side effect from the high-dose pills is gallbladder disease (gallstones).

I was on the high-dose pills for seven years. I developed gallstones after a year of taking them. I had four bad gallbladder attacks up until I had my gallbladder removed.

The low-dose pills are safer and cause very few health problems for healthy women.
I was on birth control pills for the better part of 28 years; I never had any problem as a result (I'm 52 now), including having no difficulty conceiving.
I am 43.5 years old. I started taking BCP's at age 15. I went off of them for 2 years. I was off for a year and had my duaghter and off until I was done breast feedin gand then I went back on. She is 18 now and I still take them. I am fine. I see my doctor yearly and do not have any troubles or worries.
None whatsoever. Been on the pill for 10 years.
I used to have irregular periods, and migraines, painful ovulation. Now I don't. They'll probably come back when I stop taking the pill, but in the meantime it's great!
have you looked into NFP--natural family planning? It doesn't mean "not for protestants" and it's NOT the rythym method for Catholics only. It's a safe method to determine when you are fertile to avoid or achieve a pregnancy. It's easy to learn, cheap, works with your body, plus it doesn't interact with any medications. It can be used by women who have irregular cycles or serious illnesses.

DH %26 I have been using it to avoid a pregnancy due to the multiple health problems I have and we haven't had any problems with it for 10 yrs.

It does require committment %26 the willingness to learn but isn't your life worth it? you will have so much to gain and nothing to lose. Unlike the pill where you have serious side effects such as weight gain, mood swings, blood clots, drug interactions, PE, breakthrough bleeding/ovulation, pregnancy, %26 even strokes.

Check out the sites below including the nuva ring side effects at bbpc-law as well as ortho side effects at orthoevraright.

For me, it's one less thing to worry about and I don't have to worry about contributing to another health problem %26 blaming the pill because I know I use something that is 100% safe w/no life threatening side effects. My husband wants me around for a long time %26 he is very supportive of NFP as well.

We learned about it via a local hospital %26 were trained by an NFP practitioner on monitoring my fertility. The ccli site has info on where to find one in your area.
My mother had benign tumors on her liver due to using birth-control pills for 20 years. One was really large and ruptured-she had to have emergency surgery. They removed 30% of her liver. The rest of her liver had small benign tumors, but disappeared when she stopped taking birth control pills. Doctors said it was a rare side-effect.

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