Tuesday, May 25, 2010

GARDASIL, TB Test, && small sampled blood test.?

I'm getting my physical done in two days, and i need a TB test, a blood test, and a gardasil shot.

Do these hurt? I am very afraid of needles. I recently got 5 vaccines and they did not hurt a lot. Do these shots/tests hurt more or less than vaccines? The vaccines were just a little poke, but what about the TB test, blood test, and gardasil shot? And they don't need to draw a lot of blood, i think they only need a small sample, but still.

Please help me..do these hurt, and if so do they hurt more/less than a vaccine?

I am 12. TB test, GARDASIL, and blood test.
unless your afraid of needles or hate shots, it may just sting a little. when i got my first gardasil shot i just thought it would sting when the needle went in but in fact it started burning when they pushed the medicine in, wasnt extremely bad, but tolerable, other than that you should be ok.
the shot hurts
a needle's a needle, doesn't matter what's in it, and if you said you're afraid, it's gonna hurt (whether or not it really does) just 'cause you psyched yourself out already
OK, i have had a TB test, blood test and the gardasil shot, all you need to do is relax and it shouldn't hurt that much, i hate needles too so just relax and don't worry about it , it will be over before you know it.
Is garidlsal the HPV shots? im not sure if it is i think it is i got the HPV shot im 21 a few months ago there a series of 3 of them and the shot was a quick one but after i had it it felt like someone punched me in my arm tb test dont bother me at all its better to be safe then sorry just remeber ur getting them done to make sure u r in good health the series tb and blood work doesnt hurt.
ok tb test doesnt hurt at all, blood test might hurt a tiny bit but no more than a pinch..the big secret for the gardasil shot is to relax the muscle and ur arm.like relax it a lot and it wont hurt..i thought i was relaxing it a lot and i wasnt cuz it was my first shot and i didnt know wut to expect and it hurt for 3 days (like it was sore like i was just punched in the arm) and with the second shot...i really relaxed and it didnt hurt at all..i got back for my 3rd shot in september..gl hun and dont worry about..another secret is..dont look at the needle as it is going into ur arm, look away and start talkin to ur mom or something, if u dont look it wont hurt.
TB doesn't really hurt, the blood test isn't bad either...the usual quick prick (it helps it u don't watch), the gardasil on the other hand...the shot (needle) doesn't hurt it's the actual vaccine that hurts. it burns a little like the tetanus shot if you've had that recently. if you rub ur muscle after they give it it goes away pretty quickly. (i've had all 3 and they're really not that bad)

Gardasil Vaccine?

I'm 14 and I recieved my first round of Gardasil yesterday. After the vaccine, my body went crazy: I became nauseated, my throat closed up, and I began running a sudden fever. This was only seconds after the vaccine was given. The nurse noticed, but I didn't say anything. It was like hell... Now, it looks like a huge mosquito bite and is very tender and sore. Do you think I could be allergic to the vaccine?
It's very possible. There are possible side effects to the vaccine. You should call your doctor immediately because if you are allergic, it could get worse.
I would talk to a doctor because I recieved my first round of the shot a little over a week ago.

I didn't have anything happen when I got it except for it hurt really bad in my arm for a few hours but the nurse told me that was typical.
Those are the side effects to Gardasil, so you DEFINATELY had an allergic reaction to the vaccine. The doctor or technician that distributes the vaccine should have warned you of the side effects verbally and through a fact sheet.

Sweety, YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING!! If you had this kind of reaction to the first does (out of three), then you'll probably have the same reactions to the next two dosages.

You need to speak to a doctor before going back again in August for your second shot.

Gaining weight while period?

ok so ive heard that u gain weight when ur getting ur period... is this true? and if yes how much weight?
You can hold more water weight during this time, but it shouldn't ever be more than five lbs. After you menstruate, you should lose the water weight.
Yup. You start retaining fluid and you get bloated. I put on about a kilogram.. Not sure what that converts to in pounds.
your body retains fluid but it doesnt amount to that much.
u do cuz of the water retention, ur body retain water when u have ur period, normally its around 2-3 lb, but u lose it whiting couple of days of ur period, u can help it by reducing ur salt and carbs intake and do any mild activity like walking to lose the extra water weight. good luck.
Yes you gain but its not fat its water your body retains water or stores water to prevent you from dehydrating while bleeding causes lose of liquid to the body
you then loose the weight after your period is over, not all retain water and bloat
you retain water, so gain water weight

Funny shape boobs?

My boobs are triangular shape and I am worried that guys will hate them when im older. (Im only 15)
OK you are 15 and right now you are worried about what people think about you. Trust me on this one boys don't care what shape they are. What do boys at your age think (I don't care what they look like as long as they get to see them maybe touch them). But really you should not worry about it you are young. Just be happy with you the way you are. And don't let the boys do what i said they are thinking your to young.
You can't worry about what boys want, be happy with yourself. That's more important. If they don't like you because of your boobs, you don't want to be with a shallow jerk like that anyway!
dont worry! guys are just happy to be able to see ANY boobs, they're not worried about how they look. Remember every lil thing about you is gorgeous because it makes you YOU! Boobs come in all sizes and shapes so u rle dont need to worry :)
ok well ur still in puberty it sounds like... tehy will eventually even out and be more full coney boobs is the 3nd stage or w/e u want to call it in breast development... it can take up to 10 years for boobs to fully grow

Friend's sister's period problem?

A few hours ago, sometime last night, my friend called telling me her sister got a period and is crying in her room. She's only 10 so you can't blame her. She needs help from me to see how to make her not scared of having a period. We told her it only comes once a month and is never painful if you use a pad. Please help. She WILL NOT stop crying in her room telling herself that she shouldn't be having her period, or that she wished she wasn't so matured.
Is she in pain? From personal experience, I can tell you that they CAN be painful.

Just make sure that she understands that it is a natural part of life. Yes, it can be somewhat of a nuisance, but it means that someday she will be able to have kids of her own. Don't treat her like a kid---she understands more than most people give her credit for (you should hear some of the stuff my 5 year old will say, given the chance).

It may help to help her research the topic. That way she understands exactly what is happening to her body. I know that they are supposedly taught this in school, (nowadays, who knows??) but it never hurts to make sure that she knows the process.

Just remember to NOT talk down to her---talk to her like you would your best girlfriend. She is counting on you to be honest with her.after all, you have been through it, so why wouldn't you know what you are talking about??
tell her it is apart uf life i have mine i am 16 got it when i was 12
OMG that sounds horrible where is her mom thats what she needs her to be there and comfort her ummm idk what to say besides that that poor girl
this sounds corny but it might work,
tell her that having your period is a gift and that she should be proud of her changing body. also mention that all her friends would be really jelous!!
haha, i dont know if this helps :(
Your just going to have to tell her that its ok that shes having her period now. Acknowledge that yes its scary but its not that bad. Tell her about what it was like when you go your period and how you survived. Throw a small party between the three of you now that shes a woman!
tell her she will get breasts now too
Tell her she is an adult now and has more freedom thats wat stopped me from crying, im 14 and got my period at age 13, and i was crying cuz i didnt want it, my mom gave me alot of chocolate cuz i was craving that and she told me stories of how when she got hers she felt like a woman that should work

Best Answer %26hearts
It's really sad that she's so scared, maybe you can find a book about it, and also maybe take her to the doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong. Is she beginning to show breast budding or pubic hair? It is unusual to have a period before either of those two things in which case her parents should really have talked to her about that.
Well.. tell her some people get it when they're 9... i did.. it's normal, it's okay, to get it at 10, though it's earlier than when most girls get it. And cheer her up about it.. a lot of kids like to sound more grown up, so you could tell her stuff about that.. and you can tell her your funny and weird experiences with having your period... you know, stuff like that. tell her you were scared too when you got yours.. (were you?) or that a lot of girls are.. i definitely was. but after a while, you get used to it and it's okay, you learn to deal with it.
Aw! That poor little girl. The first time you get it is always scary, so I can understand why she is so upset. I would calmly talk to her about it explain to her what is happening and how it's OK that she is 'so matured'. Get her a box of candy and her favorite movie and surprise her, maybe that would make her feel a little better.
I know its really rough, (same thing happened to me)
comfort her and tell her that it wont hurt and that everything will be okay.

Also you could share experiences about your first period to show her how scared you were too, and that she has nothing to worry about because it wasn't so bad.

You can rent her favorite movies, buy popcorn,candy,chips and ice cream and watch movies together.
Get out some board games and play em'.
or you can stay with her for a sleep over, and can talk about boys, (that should take her mind off it lol)

Right now you need to comfort her, shes pretty young, i wasn't that young when i got mine, and i cried for hours in my room. The best thing for her right now is loads of attention and comforting.

Good Luck :)
Well I got min when I was 9 and I didn't believe it because what my friends at school was telling me. The reason could have something to do with her friends ands what they have been telling her but you have to remember she is 10 and sometimes its something that you can't help but something that she has to deal with in her own way.
I got mine at 11. And my friend got hers in the beggining of 5th grade, she had JUST turned 10 too. Lots of people get it when they are younger. And tell her that its way better than getting it at like 15 when everyone else already has gotten it. She would feel left out if that happened.

Friend just started smoking... please help me help her!?

She is 18 so it's not like there's anything illegal about it, but I almost wish there were.

She's only smoked one pack, she said, and I believe her on that. But I also believe that she is underestimating the importance of this decision. She says I'm over-reacting, that it's just one pack. But there is still a lot of toxic stuff in that single pack.

Her grandfather almost died due to smoking-related causes, and she is a very good biology student, so she definitely knows all of the crap that smoking can cause.

She smells terrible and looks stupid when she smokes, and no one wants to hang around her. But she says that she just wanted to try it, and that it's not about peer pressure or looking cool, just about trying the forbidden fruit.

How can I convince her that this fruit is "forbidden" for a reason? She is otherwise very mature, and I want to treat her like an adult, but it is so frustrating to think that she might die from being too stubborn to stop smoking!
Try telling her the same way you just told us. Its not going to matter though because only she can make herself quit if she wants to. Just remember you're not her mother. And even if you were, there's nothing you can do about it since she's 18.
tell her you are throwing your life in the toilet and you get weaker, have orange nails, bad breath and you smell very bad, put it down before it puts u down
Tell her , YES it does make on look cool and grown up UNTIL they get addicted and run out.Then they have to go around BEGGING for a smoke if they are broke.Ask her to name 10 people who have been smoking for a minimum of 5 years who say they are GLAD they started smoking and would recommend it to anyone.Then tell her if her biological make up is anything like her grandpa's what he died from is what she has to look forward to.
I completely agree with you, I wish it was outlawed. Other than telling her your fears there's nothing you can do. It's her decision to start AND to stop, you can't make her...
Tell her you would stop being her friend if she continues to smoke. If your friendship means to her, she will stop smoking. On the other hand if you don't nag her too much, she may stop it. She probably made it an ego point. She will stop on her own, not coz u tell her to. Good luck!
keep doing what you are doing. Tell her that you don't like it and maybe she will listen. Other than that there really isn't anything else you can do. She probably has smoked more than 1 pack if she knows you don't approve of it ;she probably lied to you to make it seem like she doesn't do it as often.
1.) remind her that smoking can kill you
2.) remind her that her smoking can hurt others
3.) Show her a picture of a cancerous lung
http://www.stop-smoking-in-1-hour.co.uk/... im REALLY sorry!
4.) Show her a picture of a hairy tounge
5.) tell her thats what can happen to her!
6.) Tell her that she knows she shouldnt smoke and if she does you wont hang around her!
7.) remind her of her grandfather!

oh yeah, tell her that she is gonna have trouble getting a date if she smells bad!! no one will wanna date her!
Like you said, she is 18 and mature...and makes her own decisions. She knows the consequences of smoking with her grandfather having lung disease. Sounds just like me when I was 18...but I never quit.

The more a person smokes, the less their taste buds work, the harder it is to breathe when working out...and the longer you smoke, the harder it is to quit.

Now...she had the one pack...you didn't say if she went and got more. If she was only curious...and the one pack was it...then there is no problem...she won't smoke again.

I watched my grandmother pass on from complications of smoking: Emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, even colon cancer. Lung cancer is an extremely painful and scary way to pass on...yet that didn't motivate me to quit and stay quit.

Unfortunately, you can talk to her until you are blue in the face. You may need to practice some tough love...do not hang with her while she is smoking..and tell her the reason. Let her know you care for her as a friend, but just cannot be around her when she lights up.

Ultimately, it is your friend's decision...and speaking as a smoker...no one can make you stop...it has to be the smoker's decision and motivation to keep from grabbing that Marlboro and a lighter. Just be supportive when she does seriously attempt to quit...she will be grouchy the longer she smokes before attempting to quit.
you could tell her that the smoke isn't helping global worming,or you could tell that shes your Friend and you don't want her to smoke because its addictive.Right now she said that shes just smoking one pake of them,but eventual it will be 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 and on.you should tell her that to.
tell her if you won't quit you're going to lose your life,family and,friends.friends meaning me and other people.
Well all that i can tell you is to talk to your friend, not like a baby but as an adult explain to her the death causes of somking. explain that people have died from smoking. Tell her that she is not only hurting herself but she is hurting the people she loves.Tell her how she looks tell her how she smells Tell her that nobody exept you wants to hang out with her because of her smoking issue. Tell her that as soon as she picked up that 1 ciggarette ahe would want more and more and her body is gonna start wanting more and more!! well i hope i helped. thanx
Tell her she doesn't look cool or even attractive when she smokes.

Tell her how much she stinks.

Leave her when she lights up. If she asks you why you did that, tell her that its disgusting and you won't be around that crap.

Let her know that her clothes smell like crap as well.
hi Hun
sometimes people do stuff to make them feel beter take away stress
yeah know!!
old habits die hard

Frequesnt menstrual cycles (plzzzz help)?

some months ago, i had a break up with my boyfriend. i was shattered. i didnt have my 'period' for next two months. After that, when my 'period' started, it was too frequent. Sometimes 3 times a month. Whats wrong?? Please help me?? (Educated answers only, plz!)
You are probably just having a major major hormone imbalance, perhaps brought about from your body having to deal with such extreme stress. Usually that much stress is bound to show itself with some bodily reaction. Usually breaking out with pimples will be the affect of teens and young people. There is the possibility that it could be a cyst
causing you to have frequent flows tho. Or also a problem
with the lining of your uterus (can't remember how to pronounce the correct term to spell it).
If you are flowing that often, you need a GYN now. Too much
blood loss will cause you to be anemic, and that could be
going on right now if you are tired or weak. Anyway, a GYN
will order a blood test along with his exam to see if there's anything else going on he should know about, as well.
So make an early appt. to see your primary doctor to authorize seeing a GYN as soon as possible. I know what
being so often in your period is like. Not fun at all.
Go to the doctor.
I doubt that this had anything to do with the break-up. First, most important, take a pregnancy test. Every woman will have some sort of abnormal cycles in her life. If you are or were on any type of birth control (shot, pill, patch, ring) that you stopped or started, it may be related to that. If this pattern continues for more than two months, you need to see a doctor
It's probably mostly related to Stress.. if you have lots of stress
in you life it messes with your hormones and can cause your period to be out of whack, but I would say that if it doesn't clear up within the next month or two I would contact you gyno to get check out... never fool around with your period... it could be something serious if it doesn't change.

Free birth control pills?

i am aware that there are health clinics and places like planned parenthood who offer free birth control. however, i am wondering if it is just as good as paying and getting a prescription for it? just because is it free, is it as good as the kind you have to pay for? i don't have insurance, and i'm considering getting the pill from a clinic, but i want to be sure they are just as effective. any help would be greatly appreciated!
Yes, they are the same pills you could get with a regular prescription from a regular doctor's office. The only difference is the packaging -- and actually, when I was using planned parenthood, they gave me name brand and now that I have insurance and go to a normal OB/GYN, insurance only covers generics! (kind of ironic) Anyway though, yes, they are absolutely as effective -- ask lots of questions and make sure to be honest with the medical history and other questions they ask. This will help make sure they put you on the right type of pill.
The pills you get at a clinic are EXACTLY like the ones you get from a doctor. The clinic gets government subsidies to pay for the staff, building, and drugs they distribute to the community. Many clinics now charge for services. The charge is determined by your income and generally is very low, like $5.00 a visit. The medications, I believe, are still free.
Yes, the birth control at family planning clinics is the same as dispenced in a pharmacy.

Family planning clinics are usually a state supported institution, which allows them to provide. I would recommend going to such clinic, especially if you are financially challenged.

Frds, i delivered in sept 2006, now also i still feel muscular pain in my hands. do i have to live with it now

as ladies keep telling that once a pian is left it is forever . i am very depressed as i can not continue like this. its very tough. what to do now ? please advice
I do not understand how the hands are connected to your delivery? Have you strained your muscles? Have you caused some injury to your shoulders? Why not consult an orthopedic doctor? Maybe you need x-rays or maybe just a physiotherapist can help you. Nothing remains for ever.

Fosamax or the generic, which is better for bones ?

why I should take Alendronate from FOSAMAX and not the generic ? what is the difference in my body ? has the colecalciferol in FOSAMAX a real difference? why ?
Generics are exactly the same formula as the brand name drugs. you can substitute a generic for the brand name with no difference.

Alendronate sodium is the generic name for Fosamax (brand name). Fosamax is chemically known as a bisphosphonate medication. It is not a hormone. Fosamax works only on the bone and does not affect the heart, breast, uterus or other parts of the body. Alendronate sodium (Fosamax) is taken for the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men. In addition, Fosamax is approved for the treatment of women and men with osteoporosis resulting from the long-term use of steroid medications such as prednisone or cortisone. Alendronate sodium (Fosamax) is FDA-approved for the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men. In addition, Fosamax is approved for the treatment of women and men with osteoporosis resulting from the long-term use of steroid medications such as prednisone or cortisone.
I don't think they have a generic for Fosamax.
check the latin name of the medication...if they are the same, then they are therapeutically identical, and your body will not see a difference...only your wallet will see the benefit of not paying for a brand-name drug
The only difference between the generic and the name brand is that your not paying for the research and development of the drug. The chemical makeup is the same. That is why health insurance companies always push the generic, it has the same benefit only cheaper. A good cheap source for generic Fosamax is http://www.4rx.net . Click on osteoperosis on the left side of the page. They also have a couple other meds in their generic form for osteoperosis.
Hope this helps, enjoy

Forgot to remove Nuva Ring, then felt very sick when I got my period, will I be okay when I get back on sched?

I had forgotten the Nuva Ring for 4 extra days, then when I took it out and started my period, i had really bad PMS and felt nausea and everything. (This feeling isn't usual for me when I have periods) Just wondering if it was because I had forgotten it, and got a longer dose than I should have. Will everything be back to normal when I start using it regularly again?
knew a lady who left hers in longer (she went on vacation) then her period lasted like three weeks. she stopped using it after that. but everyone reacts different on different meds
I'd get off of that ring **** there are 37 lawsuits on it.people have died...some have had damage..try looking it up i tried looking for the article but i cant find it

For women with PMDD-- gynecologist or psychiatrist?

I haven't been diagnosed, but my PMS symptoms have gotten progressively worse to the point of complete debilitation for several days out of the month. For women who have been diagnosed/treated, did you see a psychologist or psychiatrist first, or did you ask your gynecologist first? What was your treatment? Did it work?

Thank you!
I'd suggest seeing your gyno first. Supposedly the Yaz birth control pill has been shown to help with PMDD. I wasn't diagnosed either, but my monthly PMS had reached critical levels. I've been on Yaz for about five months now and if I PMS, I don't even know it. Good luck!
I saw both actually, working in concert they came up with a reasonable care plan that worked for me. You just have to make sure the two of them work together.
I went into talk to my primary care doctor about quitting smoking and about PMDD. He put me on Welbutrin which has helped immensely in both areas. I'm a mother and a nanny and I noticed before my cycle I was angry and impatient for no reason. You could talk to your gyn or your primary care doctor. They will most likely put you on an antidepressant.
Complete debilitation isn't necessarily a sign of PMDD, it could be more likely endometriosis or PCOS. From what I understand, PMDD has more of a psychological impact. I took Yaz for PCOS (also recommended for PMDD) and it had HORRIBLE side effects, so be very cautious - do a LOT of research, it nearly killed me. Talk to your gyno and just tell him your symptoms, he'll know best what to do. If you suffer from debilitating pain (as I do) ask your doctor about Meclomen. It's an NSAID like Aleve or Advil but it works in an extra way. It reduces your flow - less flow means less pain.
My guess is your doc will suggest a BCP, that should help. Good luck!

For women who have had breast implants, how do doctors go about doing a breast scan??

My mum went for one recently, they asked if she has breast implants they needed to know for some reason and i just wondered why they ask that and if the scan is done differently because of that how they go about it. Thanks.
Yes, breast implants impair the ability of the scan to pick up abnormalities so X-ray is the second choice. Here's breastcancer.org's take on it:

For women who did sit ups after pregnancy, how long did you have to do them before you saw results?

First off, make sure you get the doctor's approval to work out.
I bought a waist trimmer (you can get one at Target, Wal-Mart, or a sporting goods store). This will help you lose inches alot quicker in your abdomen area (and get rid of that nasty pouch)!
Results are slow in the 1st couple of months, but will speed up soon after. Don't get discouraged and good luck!
Listen, doing situps is not going to make your stomach any flatter, losing weight will. I hope your not doing them to make yourself thinner because it doesnt work. It just works the muscles under. You need to diet and do cardio.

For women only?

I have been noticing lately I keep on feeling warm or hot, then I feel normal. Check my tempurature and it is normal. Even sometimes I notice I am not sweating like normal neither. I am almost 50 years okd.
your going through hot flashes, ur going through the menopause pretty soon u might not have ur period anymore,talk to a gynocologist
hot flashes. signs of menopause
Remamber those reproduction classes hon ?.. As you said you are about 50 now ; the bells %26 whistles are gonna be there for a reason.. I'd say you're about rite on time, uh ?

For woman only: when do you ovulate?

Most women ovulate 12-16 days before their period.
12 to 14 days after the first day of your period
I think between periods. Since the egg is flowing to the fallopian tubes to get inpregnated. And when you have your period, its released. So yea, between your periods.
Here is a website that can help you determine your ovulation days. WWW.Yourdays.com
Approx. halfway between two periods.

For those who take the pill, when do you take your pill?

I was on the pill for a few years, but struggled with remembering to take it on time every day. I switched to Nuvaring about a year ago and loved the freedom that the ring gave...

After seeing my doctor this week, I have gone off the ring. It seemed like it was starting to become ineffective, and wasnt working right with my body.

So I will start back with the pill (yasmin) after my next period. However, I cant decide on a good time to take it every day. I do not have a super regular sleep schedual (meaning I go to sleep and wake up at different times all week), and I feel weird about taking my pill at the office... so I'm stumped!

When do you take the pill? Time of day, how you remember, and why it works for you would be appreciated!
My schedule shifts around a lot, too, so I take mine at 11:00am. My cellphone alarm is set to go off everyday at that time and remind me to take it. I'm at the office 5 days a week, and no one has ever questioned my alarm or what I'm taking (not that it's any of their business anyway).

I decided upon 11am, because I know I'll be up at that time whether or not I got up early that day or decided to stay up late the night before. Consistency with the time is extra important for me because I'm on the mini-pill, and with that type there is a much smaller window in which it must be taken each day in order to be effective.
Why not take it at supper every day. Also if you have trouble remembering to take it make a huge poster type type sign you can put somewhere or set a timer on your computer or PDA to go off at a certain time of day to remind you.
I take mine with dinner. I just leave the back in the kitchen or by the dinner table, and never forget, cause it's right there all the time:) It's also nice cause if it has any side effects like nausea, I sleep through it!:)
I also have my cell phone remind me at 8:00pm, just in case;)
I take my pill at bedtime and I remember because I keep them next to my toothbrush, so when I get ready for bed I brush my teeth and can't help but see my pills sitting there waiting for me!

I think that if you take your pill within few hour span everyday, say between nine pm and twelve am, you should be okay, but check the website for your pill first to be sure.
I take mine at 9:30pm. It makes it easier then trying to do it in the morning when I don't wake up at the same time, ior n the afternoon when I am bouncing between classes. Sometimes you have to make sure you have it in your purse if your out past then but it's a lot easier, at least for me. Hope this helps. :-)
I take mine right before bed, and leave it sitting on my night stand so I see it and remember...

I know some doctors say it has to be taken at EXACT SAME TIME, thats a load of bull crap!!

Just take it generally around same time and that works, like say for me, I take it at night before bed, I usually go to sleep between 11-midnight, however sometimes its much later... things happen... its fine according to the doctors I've seen int he past few years about this...

So I'd say take it before bed, and if ur off a few min, or half hour, or hour or a lil more, its not a big deal, its not going to work any less, or different. :D hope this helps...
I take mine at bedtime. I have a heartburn pill I have to take everynight too so I just put them on my nightstand and take them everynight! I tried taking it the morning, and never could remember, but I always remember before I go to bed.
I take mine at 10 pm. I never really wake up the same time each day, but I'm always still up at 10.

For those who buys and uses the aloe vera plant?

I know its good for you face, but I don't know if I should buy the pure form over the internet ( or almost pure ) , of if I should just buy the plant.

I heard that a small/ medium plant most ppl have will not provide enough to drink, but I would like to use some on my face every day.

I want to know if I were to cut a leaf...would it grow back in a sufficient amont of time to keep on using it?? ...would I need 2 plants?
they are fairly inexpensive plants.
The leaves do grow back
And as a steel worker, I used it for years to help with cuts and burns.
I have an office job now, but still have one because you never know when you need it.
Give it a shot with the plant. It works well. If you need another one, buy it when you need it
I would recommend buying a plant and then taking one of the leaves to use the gel from it for your face. Make sure that after you trim off the edges of the leave (and pick one that has been on the plant for a while-as close to the bottom of that old leaf as you can get-not a new one) that in between uses that you put it in the frig to keep cool. The reason for this is because if you don't the gel will dry out.

I have an aloe vera plant and yes it grows new leaves. In the section where I have it growing it has spread out in to that area a bit more.

You can also cut off smaller sections of the leaf you just cut from the plant for each session with your face.

In addition to cuts and burns I've heard it can be good for helping bruises too.
I keep aloe plants for all the reasons you mention, but you can buy it at Walmart so cheap , it is easier and more convenient to use. However I wouldn't drink much of it , as it is a powerful laxative.

For those of you who get migraines, has Nuva Ring made it worse?

I want to try Nuva Ring, but my neurologist advises against it since it has the estrogen/progesterone combo which is more likely to cause migraines.

I am on a migraine preventive medication that has almost wiped out my migraines and I'm not in a relationship right now. I think it would be a good time to experiment with different BC types because I won't be risking pregnancy and I'm not having migraine problems.

In spite of what my neurologist says, I just want to try it and see...I am curious what others have experienced with this?
I've had migraines for as long as I can remember, all the way to my earliest childhood memories.

About 3 years ago I got my migraines 'under control' and went 10 months without one (my record) and decided to try the pill. My neurologist advised against it, as did my general health provider. Even though I was not getting my 7-10 migraines (I rate mine on a scale, 1-10, 1 being mild pressure and 10 being well, hell) I was still getting some minor ones at the onset of my period. I though taking the pill might get rid of those, and then I'd have almost none.

So they both decided it was worth trying (they agreed with my reasoning, because it was a posibility that they would be positive) and I went on the pill. After only 5 months I had to stop. Starting about 3 months in I started getting more severe migraines regularly, and they were hard to control. After stopping it took me awhile to get to the point I was at before hand.

I have spoken to a few people with migraines who take the pill just fine, but they are a minority of a minority. If I had to do it over again, even knowing the pain I went through, I'd still have tried the pill. Yes, I was very misserable when it didn't work, but if it had? If I'd gone to almost no migraines at all? I couldn't pass up that chance, that I could be almost migraine free.

If you're going to try the nuva ring or something similar, do some reasearch on the companies pages and migraine sites. Some have a lower occurance of mirgaines that others, and they don't effect everyone the same way.

Best of luck to you. I hope you find something that works on both counts!
I think that the Nuva Ring or the Patch or anything that stays in/on that long will definitely give you migraines again. The neurologist knows what he is talking about. On the pill, you get a lower dose of the hormones at a time. The Nuva Ring or any of the other ones, you get exposed to a larger dose of the hormone. I have had migraines since I hit puberty and birth control always made it worse. I tried the patch and it was HORRIBLE! I haven't tried the Nuva Ring. I had a baby last year and now I have the Mirena IUD, which has turned out to be pretty good so far. But, in order to get an IUD, you must have had a baby already. I am sorry if I wasn't much help. I hope you find what works best for you! I just wouldn't recommend the NuvaRing.

For the Women.?

My period could last for 3 weeks sometimes or up to a month almost! This has been going on for a while now...and Im beging to get scared. What are some idea that you guys can give me on whats going on. I have always had a weird period schudule but its gettting out of hand and I want to have kids in the neat futher, just need some ideas on what it could be...thank you for your time :)
PCOS..Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I had this most of my adult life and bled about 48 weeks out of the year. I've had a total of 4 miscarriages but I was extremely lucky to carry 2 children to term before having a total hysterectomy at the age of 35

What is PCOS?
What PCOS Is and Isn't

* Is also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome or Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD).
* Affects an estimated 6-10% of all women and most don't even know they have it.
* Is treatable, but not curable, by medications, changes in diet and exercise.
* Is one of the leading causes of infertility in women.
* Has been identified for 75 years and they still aren't sure what causes it.
* Affects far more than just reproduction.
* IT IS NOT just a cosmetic problem.

Can include the following symptoms:

* Irregular or absent menses
* Numerous cysts on the ovaries in many, but not all, cases
* High blood pressure
* Acne
* Elevated insulin levels, Insulin Resistance, or Diabetes
* Infertility
* Excess hair on the face and body
* Thinning of the scalp hair (alopecia)
* Weight Problems or obesity that is centered around your mid section
You can go to this site..
and will find any and all information regarding this syndrome. It also has a quiz you can take to give you a better idea of what your symptoms mean. Best thing to do is go to your OB/GYN and tell him what's been going on...let him do the blood work and make the correct diagnosis.
see a doctor soooonnnn!!
go to your doctor or gyno because that happened to my mom and she would bleed heavy for a few weeks and then lite for moths, come to find out she had fibroids in her uterus some the size of grapefruits...she ended up getting a hysterectomy and problem solved.
Are you currently using an IUD? Sometimes they can cause non stop bleeding, and they have to be removed.

Your period should never last for 3 weeks. You can become tired and weak.

Make an appt today to see your doctor, or go to the nearest family planning clinic. You need to find out why this is happening.

Good luck!
go to the doctor, that's the best advice. but my mom did have this kind of period trouble. she's 48. extremely long periods can mean; you've had major stress in the past or you are in great stress right now. take it easy and see a doctor.
Many women have the same problem. I have personal experience with this kind of thing, my cycle is really wacky. My doc suggested that I go on birth control to regulate my cycle and the hope is once I have been on the pill consistantly for a while we can try to wean me off of it and hopefully this will allow my body time to regulate itself. Your hormones are just all over the place and its hard to determine an exact cause, even for the doc. The best advise is to establish yourself with a good GYN who specializes in fertility issues and see what she would reccomend to get on the right track to conception! Good Luck!
Sweety you have a hormone imbalance. Get to a doctor and ask for some blood test and treatment possibilities. I got that when they put me on the mini pill for irregular periods. But then the pill didn't give me enough of the correct hormones so i bled constantly for weeks. In my case it was the lead up to discovering that i had poly cysitc ovary syndrome. I'm sure this is not the case for you. But do get to the doctors and ask for the test and see what they say when they come back.
Did you just get off birth control or just have a child? If not, make an appt. with your gyno asap. It could be a sign of a serious problem like a hormonal imbalance.

For the woman who have had the Endometrial Ablation Proceedure?

My doctor has recommended this for me. It sounds GREAT but I was wondering (to those who have had this done) does it stop your period all together or what? Also, did it stop your pre-menstrual symptoms, (bloating, mood change, hunger, etc..) Any other info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ahead
I had an endometrial ablation done back in 12/04 for very heavy/problematic periods.

For some women, the ablation may end their periods. For others, like myself, the period becomes lighter. :)

It does NOT stop any type of hormonally induced troubles... such as PMS-type symptoms. (I wish it did... I have seriously severe PMDD.)

I wish you all the best. I guess you already know that you must not become pregnant after an ablation and that a permanent method of bc must be implemented, either by you or your partner, so I won't go into that. I had the Essure procedure done at the same time.
I warn you, it can prevent you from ever becoming pregnant and could have serious risks, like uteral perforation, for example. Seriously discuss all the pros, cons, and risks with your OB/GYN before undergoing this operation. If you decide to do it, your life could either become much better, or much worse. Make the right decision and think about the future. Good luck!

For the last couple of days i have felt dizzy in the mornings and at nite what could be wrong?

Are you eating enough food and drinking enough water? I usually feel dizzy if I haven't eaten enough or drank enough water. Also it might be the heat because it's been so hot lately.
First of all, are you on any type of anticoagulant or blood thinner? If you are that could be what is causing your dizziness as they make your idiostatic BP drop below normal levels temporarily, and that will cause you to get dizzy. The easiest determinant of that is if you get dizzy while getting up from a chair or bed, then that may certainly be your problem.
Also be sure to consume plenty of fluids becasue they help stabilize your BP, and a significant drop in blood pressure is usually the culprit for most forms of dizziness, regardless if your on medication or not.
Hope this Helps!
Your ears could be plugged up. This causes vertigo. I've gotten it before. If it's a real problem you could always go to the doctor and they will clean your ears out properly for you. It could also be lack of nutrients or dehydration.

For the ladies...Our first time...?

This girl and i have decided to take everything to the next level without any emotional baggage, more of the benefits thing. She has experience and is not a virgin while i on the otherhand am technically still a virgin. on that night we will at least be a little buzzed because...well...we will (it think it'll be more fun that way). the question i have is how long do you ladies think we should work on the forplay? since she has a little more experience should i let her that some control? Should i act confident maybe even alittle "c0ckey" (no pun intended)? i am the little bit above average male. Any schedule i should follow moving my concentrations to different areas? Ladies, what would you want/expect? :*)
ok well women depend on foreplay to orgasm!

so YOU need to focus on her more during foreplay... use your hands and your tongue...

i like it when the guy moves from kissing my lips.. all the way down to my breasts, my stomach my hips and finally .. you know where...

foreplay can last as long as u want.. but it is VERY important to get her stimulated.. or else she wont "finish"

then when you are ready to push in.. go slow! if she hasnt in a while it might hurt her a bit... but you can take care of that with your hands during foreplay so it wont...
you should just let things happen naturally. %26 why would you wanna be a little bit "buzzed" .. why not just be sober?
Just be sober, not cocky not over confident cuz when u'll get stiff and won't know what to do that won't look too good for ur advantage. If you don't know or haven't done anything.just be YOU that's how we like it best.
ask her what she wants, just do whatever feels natural, does she know that your a virgin? if not then let her know and she will be very happy to know that. take things slow and just have fun. dont be too c0cky either but dont be scared either
Wow so many specific questions. So here goes foreplau about ten fifteen minutes but dont time it then u will not enjoy yourself. Dont act like u know everything or b cocky she already knows youre a virgin plus we really dont like cocky guys. It's ok to feel nervous we excpect this and even though she's had experience b4 i'm sure she will be noervous too. Just take it slow enjoy each other give her lots of affection and intiate cuddling w her after wards. If she takes to it cuddle for at least ten minutes
just for the record...you should be sober.
don't you want your first time to be remembered clearly?
You need to relax and let things happen normal and on their own. This is not a play you need a script for go with the flow and enjoy.. luckily you will able to practice quite often.enjoy and relax.
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