Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gaining weight while period?

ok so ive heard that u gain weight when ur getting ur period... is this true? and if yes how much weight?
You can hold more water weight during this time, but it shouldn't ever be more than five lbs. After you menstruate, you should lose the water weight.
Yup. You start retaining fluid and you get bloated. I put on about a kilogram.. Not sure what that converts to in pounds.
your body retains fluid but it doesnt amount to that much.
u do cuz of the water retention, ur body retain water when u have ur period, normally its around 2-3 lb, but u lose it whiting couple of days of ur period, u can help it by reducing ur salt and carbs intake and do any mild activity like walking to lose the extra water weight. good luck.
Yes you gain but its not fat its water your body retains water or stores water to prevent you from dehydrating while bleeding causes lose of liquid to the body
you then loose the weight after your period is over, not all retain water and bloat
you retain water, so gain water weight

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