Saturday, October 24, 2009

Females i need help?

okays i have cheer camp on the week of my period should be ending before camp like on the day i get there but is there any remides to help it go away faster? NO MEDCINES PLEASE thanks a billion!
PLEASE don't listen to people's stupid answers. your period has nothing to do with your stomach so what you eat and drink is not going to change anything. there's nothing you can use to make your periods shorter. my advice is to use a tampon if you can. hopefully your period will be light since it'll be your last couple days.
just let it run its course!
I really dont think that that is medically possible, and if so I'm sure its not healthy!!
I heard drinking a lot of water helps.
the only thing I can think of is to like not eat much.but that is usually to get it to not come in the first place. I would just be sure to bring a good supply of tampax. it is usually pretty light on the last day anyway, right?

good luck
All my friends told me drinking hard liquor works to make your period shorter.

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