Saturday, October 31, 2009

For a female, what type of bad things are caused wen u hold ur pee in too long or ur number 2..?

i heard its very bad for a womans help n can make it hard to have a baby or something... coz i hold it in alot especially if i have to walk to a toilet coz i lyk to sit on my *** all day
you can get a urinary tract infection, as well as weaken the muscle that holds it in making you more susceptible to bladder control issues as you age. think adult diapers. holding in feces can give you a bowel obstruction which takes surgery to fix. as far as the baby thing goes that's a load of crap. your reproductive system has nothing to do with the bladder or bowel.
i heard it can stretch your bladder or something
if you hold your pee too long frequently, you may get a urinary tract infection. They are painful and annoying, but they aren't going to affect your having a baby (although a UTI in a pregnant woman can be a big problem!)
you could get a urinary tract infection,,,and this also could lead to urinary incontinence. that is you will not be able to control your urine someday,,,nurse
If you hold your urine too long, it can cause urinary tract, bladder or kidney infections. Those are HORRIBLE and feel AWFUL. All of those can make you very sick not to mention extremely uncomfortable. If you hold your poop, that can back up into the lower intestine and make you sick too. It can cause all kinds of gastrointestinal issues including eventual diarrhea and vomiting. Pee and poop are supposed to leave your body for a reason. They are both filled with the toxins your body is trying to get rid of. If you want to make yourself extremely ill and miserable, you can keep holding it. My suggestion and advice would be to use the toilet when you need to!
Holding urine in is bad. If you hold it in for too long, bacteria can grow inside of your bladder, thus forming a UTI. Also, you can cause nerve damage and then would have to go allll of the time because instead of allowing the bladder to fill up, the nerves will tell the brain that the bladder is full even with a tiny bit of urine and you'll feel you'll have to go soo bad but really only go a little bit.

I never heard about making it hard to have a baby, though.

And of you have to poop and hold it in you can get a really bad infection. All of your poop is the icky stuff your body doesn't need, it's toxic.. you holding that in is holding all of those toxins in your body which is not good.
If you're really constipated and you can't poop (you want to, but can't) you will vomit up the poop.

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