Saturday, October 24, 2009

Feminine Hygiene Question?

Ladies I know doctors and females alike say douching is bad for you. So I would like to know what you all think about using vinegar in your bath water and perhaps summers eve feminine wash. I'm trying to learn as much as I can so that I get a thorough understanding of feminine hygiene. Ladies I don't want to be ignorant on the matter. I hope you all understand my quest for knowledge instead of me being another dumb guy saying dumb things about feminine hygiene. Any and all responses are welcome.
Using vinegar in your bath water will be hard on your skin due to the acid. I don't recommend ANY famine sprays, powders or washes due to the fragrance in them promote infections from yeast to bacteria. It is true that Douching can upset the PH balance of the vagina and cause infections from yeast to bacteria but using douche ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE will not hurt anyone if you use a mild vinegar and water douche.

However, you can sit in a baking soda bath and it will not hurt anything instead of using vinegar. All woman weather they want to admit it or not have an odor to them, just some have a stronger odor than others and it's usually related to either an infection or PH upset. I hope this helps and gives you a better understanding.
The ingrediants in these products as well as vinegar will kill the "good" bacteria in the woman's reproductive system. Is your concern odor related? There are products that can help with that. But douches are not healthy in women and our bodies cleanse themselves on the inside naturally.
Hope this helps
I know that douching is not healthy for women, but doing it once a month or every other month does not hurt you. As long as the douche is mild and fragrance free.
Well I wish I had saved that e-mail from long ago where I answered this question for you once before! lol But I will give it another shot!

Day to day cleaning is different for every woman! Showering is always a good start! I personaly don't use alternate items such as Douching because it can be very harmful to your natural lubrication! I also am very senstive and reactions are always not so good!

Some woman have the "un-clean" feeling more than other woman! I personally only notice it around my time of the month.

I would say douching every once in awhile would not be harmful to your body. I would think that in some situations Dr's might even recommend it.

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