Saturday, October 24, 2009

Females - Some Help Please, Nurses, Docs?

I posted a few days ago because I was not sure if I had a yeast infection or bacterial infection.

I've been taking acidopholous pills (3 x per day) do I need to be taking more than that to see better results? So far, they have not helped much. My friend told me she takes 6 a day and sees results.

Anyhow, the problem is I had itching down there and the vuvla was swollen on one side. It is still that way, but I developed two bumps down there now and they are painful. I am prone to cysts and have recently started using new detergent and did wash with a perfumed soap with lotion in it before this started.

Naturally, there is the worry it could be an STD, but I have not slept with my ex since last year.

What is annoying is that I went to see a new MD yesterday (gyno wont be in until tomorrow) and they would not see me cause I did not bring photo ID (??!!) Advice would help, but would you spend money on a dr's office that refuses to see you because of no ID? Advise please.
The swollen labia may be due to candida overgrowth (yeast infection). You do not need to have intercourse to get it. If it has been there for a long time (sometimes it can be in a dormant state, causing almost no signs) it may make your labia swollen, itchy and red. Acidophillous is a great way to prevent yeast infections, but i wouldn't bet on them if your infection has gone a little too far. Does it burn or sting when you wash there? Do you have more abundant discharge, even if it has not changed color/texture? If you do, it may be thrush caused by candidiasis. The treatment here would be applying a cream inside the affected area (like Monistat or Lotrimin), but let the ob/gyn diagnose you.

About your MD...well, i've seen doctors give medical attention to people who won't just lack photo id, but cannot pay also. There are hundreds and hundreds of really well prepared doctors, but only a handful who will treat you like a person, i'd stick to those and forget about the ones who think even a word of sympathy is payable.

In the meantime (your appointment is tomorrow, right?) go buy some natural, color-free, additive-free (best if organic) yogurt and apply on the affected area. It feels more soothing if it's cold. Let it sit for about 15 min and wash with water only. Dry thoroughly. If the itching is absolutely killing you, take some Benadryl to help ease the reaction on your skin.
You need to go to a doc! I have no idea why they needed the ID, but next time take it with you. (even if you switch doctors--they probably need it for security/ID purposes)
They probably wanted to see your ID in order to protect them from insurance fraud. Also, they need to verify your identity so that the doctor does not treat the wrong patient.

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