Saturday, October 31, 2009

For girls.. question about my period ??

I got my period approximately June 15 or 16th (Friday the 15, Sat. the 16th) and it ended about 5 or 6 days later ON the morning of Thursday June 21. Approximately when will I get my period again? do I start counting from the day I got it or the day it went away?
If you have recently started it will be irregular for awhile. If not count 28 days from June 21. (July 19th) But keep in mind that a cycle is an AVERAGE of 28 days, so it could be anywhere around that date.
start counting from the first day of the period (when it begins) and then you will usually get it 28-31 days later depending on your cycle length and regularity
It will probably be irregualr for a couple of months. But you'll know its coming when you get more white stuff in your underwear and it gets to be a little darker and u have a little smell and maybe cramps that means its coming soon. But when it regulates you'll usually get it on the same day each month or around there
Its never coming back. Never again.
Start counting from the first day and it will come either earlier or later then your next scheduled dat. Remember periods aren't on schedule its your body not your brain so they arent cordinated with time.
Just want to add the former answer that if it is your FIRST year having the period it is normal that it is a bit irregular.. Like takes a few days later a month or something.

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